When will Yas Forums admit this is the best Final Fantasy game and it deserves an HD release on PS4

when will Yas Forums admit this is the best Final Fantasy game and it deserves an HD release on PS4

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when will you admit you were most likely 10 when you first played it and are blinded by nostalgia? It was shit in 2010 and it’s still shit in 2020. nice music and Vanille was hot

XIII-2 > Lightning Returns with timestop mod > XIII > Lightning Returns with no timestop mod

Also, you could play the game right now if you weren't a lame consolenigger.

are the PC versions of the XIII series playable?

More or less. They are capped at 30 frames. Also, you need a mod if you intend to play XIII and XIII-2 at 4K. Also, they don't work with x360ce because they are dxinput instead of directinput, but that's now only a problem if you are pirating the game, because that Steam controller application solves those issues. The first game is extremely big too, as it is full of pre-rendered cutscenes TWICE, for english and japanese. You can delete the language you won't use in the folder though.

They are only "heavy" and with framedips if you are trying to run them in 2012 hardware.

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No version of the 13 series is playable.

A remake/remaster of 13 is inevitable, especially after 7's success.

why 13

it's the next best game and didn't reach its full potential

This guy gets it.

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LMAO if you truly believe this

These 2 are so delusional, literally can name 5 other FF games that are more deserving of HD than Lightning and her butt buddies

>director tries his hardest to make Lightning the waifu
>is upstaged by the entire female cast including a “non villain” with like 6 minutes of screen time and a girl who dies in the first 10 mins that most don’t even know her name
Lightning was a decade long mistake

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i played this game for like 5 minutes until i saw the black dude had a baby chocobo living in his hair and i turned the game off because i knew it's style of humour wouldn't appeal to me

>HD release on PS4
It was already HD.

pretty based, mature and rational user. Also, you’d really hate it because black dude is the most likable character in the game

Jesus Christ I'm fucking crying. Holy hell my dude, thanks for the laugh.

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People born in the year 2000 on love buying the same game multiple times for some reason

Enjoyed XIII, even more the XIII-2, but I couldn't take myself to finish 3. What went so wrong?

>got dunked on
>made another thread

absolute state of OP

Mediocre, lot of issues, painfully unfinished.
Much improved, made by more competent devs than XIII (tri-Ace), actually fun to 100% and not drawn out like XIII's item achievement.
Made by XIII-2's team and improves on a lot given the story, Super customizable, one of the few "can play forever" games as there is no limit, can NG+ any time, hunting Last Ones is fun, and the only game of the three where Lightning has an actual personality.

Took an outsourced team to make a good one, but it happened. Also, there's already an HD Remake on Xbox One.

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That girl in your pic is called lebreau, and she did not die. She appears in XIII-2 even.

>and the only game of the three where Lightning has an actual personality
So weird that the first two games have her on the cover. In XIII she is just the first character you control, but she could easily be deleted from the story with minor changes, and in the last portion of the game all the drama is more about Vanille and Fang than anybody else, with Vanille taking the spotlight in the final battle. XIII-2 is even weirder, Lightning is only a side character in that game and only playable for one battle.

Lightning Returns should be called "Lightning is finally the main character".

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Lightning sucks

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Lightning is great, fuck you. She just was not given the spotlight she deserved until the last game.

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memes and waifu bait aside, she’s very nasty, mean, and unlikeable


That's literally the best part

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But the game really sucks user

Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

She was given too much spotlight if anything, she was the most uninteresting part of the game.

that game sucked

Already upgraded to perfection on One X

Why do you keep spamming this thread you discord faggot.

the absolute worst thing about the ff xiii is that meme that you need datalog to understand the story or that crucial informations are hidden in datalog
why the fuck anyone believes it when you literally can open the datalog and see that 95% of the shit in it was already presented in game
the other 5% was shit like: name of the character you see for 5 seconds in one cutscene, what rank lightning had in the army and other stupid flavor like this

why do you pretend that we haven't played the fucking game

cmon, find me ONE important story bit thats not showed in game cutscene or during gameplay