What am i in for? It will be my first FF

What am i in for? It will be my first FF

Attached: final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster-jeu-ps4.jpg (700x700, 67.73K)


I hope you have the PC version so you can mod their faces

The best the series has to offer. Its all down hill from there my friend, but it's quite the peak.

Also Blitzball is fucking fun as shit. Anyone who didn't like it can fight me.

It's good

I would just leave Yas Forums. Avoid Spoilers, even if the plot can be meh at times.

When I first played it at 13, I didn't realize I had to actively put points into the sphere grid. As a result, I played half the game under leveled and under equipment. Shit was hard! Don't be like me. Don't be an idiot 13 year old.

Ps4 version, what's wrong with their face?

Awful version of faces.
Great music.
Great combat.
Awful artstyle.
Bad voice acting.
Ugly cast of characters except 2.
Mediocre story.
Overall a very good game.

it was ez af.

>recruit Brother
>swim around like an autist
>shoot when alone for free point

They just look like shit to me

Attached: justwhyse.jpg (1280x720, 128.38K)


Thanks for the tips user

Enjoyable most of it. Puzzle sections are trash tho

Meh, i can see why but since i haven't played the ps2 version i'll probably won't see anything weird

If you didn't cheese it Blitzball was fun

Tidus is the worst, the others are fine, but it looks like they messed with the shadows because they all seem worse. Not sure what happened

Attached: ffxhdfaces.jpg (1130x789, 103.3K)

none of them are fine and yuna is the worst not tidus

Attached: ffx hd on left.jpg (882x532, 122.61K)

you'll feel like the animations are pretty shitty instead of feeling like they're pretty damn good for a ps2 game

Attached: yuna 2.webm (1314x1050, 252.1K)

>What am i in for? It will be my first FF
Don’t start with this one, start with 5 instead

That’s complete bullshit, it’s said to be one of the worst stories in the series by a lot of people, tactics completely blows X out of the park

Great artstyle, KHNO music, short, fast pacing, brainlessly easy combat even for a turn based jrpg.

A decent but completely overrated game with a fun sequel as long as you don't take its story too serious.

What the hell why did they make then more animu.

Is it weird i can't tell which version is which?


every temple has a treasure chest
get them, use a guide if you need.
you need it for an aeon in end game

Attached: remaster on left.webm (966x522, 1.91M)

Decent game. Every subsequent game will look better after playing this. Except 2 and 3.

It's the point where the series started to nosedive hard.

I replayed it last month and was surprised how little i needed them. By the end tidus, auron and waka were all hitting for 9,999 damage and they one shot almost everything bar some parts of the sin fight and after getting her damage break weapon yuna demolished the final boss in a couple of holys. I remembered the game being easy but not that easy. I love that aeon but i ever needed to use one again after the robot machina before gagazette. Everything bar Omega died in at most 9 standard melee attacks.

>Its all down hill from there my friend
FFX is the linear movie game that created FFXIII. FFX was the downfall of the series until FFXII arrived to fix it.

Oh wow, thanks

Did the pc version ever received a mod to restore the old models or you are forever stuck with the doll faces

your first should be vi , then viii, there's nothing more to see

>less stylized
>facial texture are detailed with skin imperfections instead of a flat color
Are you delusional or are you just parroting meme arguments you read in this website?

forever stuck with them, though it is possible for a modder to fix them I think. it would be a lot of work though so it's not going to happen

Attached: clash.webm (1920x1006, 1.48M)

Why would you do this to a person? Recommend such pure garbage?

The problem is that the new models look bad and that they're rigged poorly to the skeletons, meaning the facial animations are off.

Attached: just kill me.webm (1418x1022, 245.17K)