Who the fuck balanced this remake?

Who the fuck balanced this remake?


>does literal no damage
>gets interrupted doing any attack
>low health
>specials do hardly no stun

Barret with melee arms

>interrupts every enemy attack
>can't be interrupted
>always knocks down enemy
>almost always either stuns or just outright kills them
>has unlimited hp pool
>best limit break
>can solo the whole game

Attached: 237FB8B6-5938-433C-B895-1BD6C5ACE283.jpg (300x168, 7.61K)

>is a white boi

just like in real life white boy
Das rite ain't no stoppin us

barret can't dodge shit though, he's so slow and takes 3 years to roll

Tifa's charged uppercut is literally the best move in the game

I'm a fan of triple slash myself


>Schizo with no combat experience

>Experienced terrorist with hundreds of real battlefield experience
>Responsible adult with a family
>Has a fucking GUN for a HAND

Seems reasonable Cloud would be weaker.

Barret is 4 times Cloud's size

git fucking gud
he's easily the most broken character in the game outside of maybe black mage aerith
his melee build is hyper armor UNGA BUNGA
it's fun as fuck but you literally just outed yourself as a shitter

>people whining that Remake has no dedicated Jump button

fucking secondaries and zoomers, Cid is the only one that can Jump

Cloud is a shit ass twink that's why.

mfw I discovered Melee Barret + Dodge attack and Dodge plus soloing entire encounters

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Sorry bro but i was expecting Dissidia like combat with the remake.

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desu it wouldn't really be a bad idea to make Barret the actual protagonist of an expanded Midgar only remake, given that he's basically team leader at the time. Though to make such a thing work you might as well shve his later development into Midgar as well and really push the whole "FUCK SHINRA" to the max early on.

Tell me more about these “Bluck Men”...

The game is just ATB where you can use the attack button to speed it up.
Vast majority of your damage is going to go through the old way.

The whole combat in this remake is trash. It's generic as fuck, two competing styles of play happening at once, and people think its good because you just mash square to do the awesome until you build enough super meter like this is MvC or some shit.

>She keeps talking about her sweat and wanting to take a hot shower

Cloud has proper training and real battlefield training.
He was a Shinra Infantryman who was capable of being a soldier but wasn't mentally up to the task. Look at this loser who can't follow an anime plot lol.

>Thinks Barrett is OP

Just wait until OP starts playing Tifa

I would buy a Barret centric game

Bro you're not supposed to point that out play along Cloud = random guy with a sword

If you’re going full retardation call him Claude

who balanced Aerith? The 3 soldier candidate fight was piss easy with her, and arcane ward is fucking dub with synergy materia

Cloud charges his ATB faster, has stronger magic and is better at dodging. Barret's melee attacks are also so slow that they often whiff fast-moving enemies, and he has no melee aerial attack, his hitboxes are small and can't crowd control, and he lacks Cloud's supremely useful counter stance.

It's not badly balanced at all. All the characters are in fact strong as fuck.

it is the power fo the kara boga, OP
shitposting aside. I doubt they even though of people playing anyone but Cloud so they didn't bother balancing the rest of teh cast. Tifa builds stun as if she is using cheat engine and can avoid attacks a lot easier than cloud

Considering how 3-man-teams of the main cast basically wiped out the whole of "SOLDIER 3rd Class" aside from Roche from existence, it seems really odd that Cloud didn't make it in in retrospect. They all seem like jobbers.

tifa actually has the highest dps potential, aggro switch to barret to pop off an overcharge + magnify haste to pull hate onto him

ATB on stagger
ATB boost
ATB overflow

luck builds all suck btw

How does Tifa's omnipunch work


If i had things my way a Midgar only remake would let you explore nearly the entire city, really build up Biggs, Wedge and Jess and even make them semi playable before their deaths, and then end the thing with a playable Kalm flashback that nicely hands the reigns over to Cloud for part 2.

t. "hipster" gaming journalist

is omnislash in this or are they saving that for the final part?
and are Tifa's limits still slots based

>Does more damage than Barret in every way
>Gets interrupted if you're retarded
>Only has a little less than Barret pending weapon
>Doesn't need to stun when he has vastly higher damage - Counterstance is usually a guaranteed stagger

Barrett with melee arms
>Has a long as slow combo
>Misses 90% of enemies because they fucking move at a normal speed
>Most certainly can be interrupted
>Can't stagger/knockdown a boss any faster than Cloud
>Sacrifices damage/mp/efficiency stats for hurr more HP
>Limit break is okay (but have to use Barret)
>Can solo the game easier with Cloud

tifa''s triangle moves increase the stagger damage cap beyond 160%.

Tifa is the best character for increasing stagger damage %.

Strategy eventually devolves to getting the posture bar nearly full, switching to tifa to break the posture with full atb and 3 chi then spamming rise and fall-Unbridled power-rise and fall as much as possible on a staggered enemy till dead.

Barrett is just based

What I mean is that her triangle move changes sometimes

You can have all of those and stil roll with 2 Lucks though so why would you not?

Cloud has Ascension which is like a small combo with a climhazzard thrown in, basically a baby omni

>little wh*toid vs STRONG BLACK BVLL

because rolling with 2 luck makes me want to also roll with first strikes, nail bat and choco moggle summon.

I mean Luck Up on Tifa.

Crit Cloud is shit because the animation of nail bat is trash.

SFM of Cloud getting fucked in his princess dress by Barratt on the gold saucer cable car when?

Cloud's strengths come from his counter stance and his ability to hit area attacks. Also triple slash is OP.