Will the FF7 Remake have an overworld or what ?

If yes, I think it's going to be extremly illusion breaking.

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it's either go to be:
>FFX where you're on a linear path to your next destination
>FFXV where it's a huge open boring expanse of nothingness and only filler MMO sidequests to do

probably a 15 style open world. fairly baren but a clear route to move along. could work well enough if the chocobo and gold saucer car are fun enough to move

No. It will do what 13 did and give you a big map with nothing but optional fights. Bet my ass you have to chapter select to even access it again after you're rushed through it in chapter 2 of the next game.

The overworld is only good the first few times you go through it. Any other time you get even a little lost or have to run back across the continent, it's absolute shit.

Overworlds are overrated

it's unreal engine 4 which sucks for open world games. at best you'll get ffxv where it's open but linear.

The FF VII world is an entire fucking planet. The sequence of locations and events does not lend itself to open world.

At most there would be a larger open area between Mythril cave and Junon to do side quests in but I doubt it.

It's not going to have an open world because FF7 is basically a linear game anyway and chopping it into a dozen different parts for dimwit goyim means that having the open world will just expose what they're locking you out from for shekels.

It should have.
There's no other way of creating the feeling of a huge world that you're traveling. XV also proved that they cannot design open world maps so lets hope they're not stupid enough to fall for that particular meme.

original FF7 overworld was just a empty filler with no landmarks or cities (see op picture) and fighting the same foes every ten steps

In FF7s case the overworld served as a tool to show the play the world changing. From areas disappearing, to weapons wandering the earth free, entire towns being wiped off the map and most importantly Meteor looming overhead in the last act as the music changes to a dark tone. 7s overworld is important to what it was trying to accomplish but ff7r isn't 7 and has nothing to say besides "REMEMBER?!"

I honestly wouldn't mind a ff12 style world where there are interconnected zones between each area you go to.

As much as i don't like FFX, i hope they take that kind of approach. FFXV was proof enough that square fucking sucks at open worlds.
It would also be kinda weird since we're looking at what's gonna be at least a trilogy of games, what are they gonna do, split the entire overworld in different parts for each game?

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It created the sense that you're exploring the entire planet.

Not open until part 4

Leaks mentioned a overworld with a WoFF style models.

>there hasn't been an overworld since FF9
it hurts, bros

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No need since you can just make an actual open world now

100% this.
zoomer are incapable of understanding the need for an overworld like we had in all the ffs until 10 when they introduced a list instead of a proper world to run around in.

Calling it now, no world map.
"We gotta get to the Golden Saucer! Hop in this machine!"

>Cutscene of them driving the Buggy
>Arrive at Golden Saucer

which are all garbage and inferior to an overworld.

It created a excuse for put a filler in that section, you really enjoy walking the empty continent?

Not him but I did

you forgot numerous fights during the trip including a boss battle against a flying foe you have to deal with while whoever isn't in your party at that point drives the truck

Not really a very good overworld, Chrono Triggers was probably the best in my opinion

15 style would make the most sense, but they will fuck it up somehow, like needing a loading screen getting in and out of fucking vehicles. For real wtf SE?..

Yes because it served a purpose of creating an illusion of a huge world. The whole planet is also important to the games story so in the end when you have to save the planet you feel like you're saving something you're familiar with.

more like
>we need to get in to gold saucer! hope into this vintage 1968 Cadillac DeVille and enjoy these Butterfingers!
>car drives itself but it's "gameplay with dialogue" so you can't skip it like the "walking with dialogue scenes"

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FFX and XV were due to tech restrictions. I guarantee if Square waits for next gen, we can get a proper overworld that's scaled 1:1 with the game.

Or they just didn’t have the tech to make an actual overworld.

>SE making a proper overworld even with better tech

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You meant talent

The Devs will forget about that shit too.