Prove you played Final Fantasy VII OG

Saw an earlier thread about this, oldfags report in. Still have my save state from 1997.

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I did play the original but I don't own it.
I played it using the PS1 hotswap trick with the paper in the sensors.
Does that make make me an oldfag or just a fagfag?

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>Does that make make me an oldfag or just a fagfag?
That makes you a brofag.

while playing it for the first time I dreamed about the game two days in a row and they were one of the best games I've ever had

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Pretty much all that's left of my PS1 collection.

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I have no proof, but I did. Not sure if I'm gonna get the Remake or wait for it all to be out.

>Still have my save state from 1997.
You're a poser. Nobody calls it a "save state". It's a "save" or a "save file". Fucking zoomer.

Same. This and Resident Evil 2 is all I have left.

I'm sorry, my copy is the platinum release bought in 1999 after I beat VIII and figured I'd play another game in the series.


>Pretty much all that's left of my ps1 collection.
I fucking feel you, homie.

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Cloud kills sephiroth and he isn't the enemy of the game. You chase jenova the entire game and seph has been long dead, but retard idiot must have missed that and think that seph is the big bad

>save state
Exposed, where'd you get the pick from zoomer?

all my got stolen in a break in back home while i was in the army. these threads are the only reason to have them, and i hate it.

Wrong. Meteor was always the big bad. Wise up, brainlet.

Wait, hold on. Wasn't that the real Sephiroth in the blue crystal or am I mistaken? They pulled him out of the life stream, didn't they?

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I played it on emulator.

Played it on the PS3 a year ago for the first time

>Prove you played Final Fantasy VII OG
the message was fuck corporations and fuck capitalism

>save state
Nice try kid

seph was just a vessel for jen, would that also be why in advent children notRiku turned into seph?

i had like 50 ps1 games as a kid yet never played any final fantasy game until 2013

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>That blue memory card.
Hey I had that too, and the clear blue controller too, I let my grandmother have it cause she loved playing Spyro and needed a controller.

I keep wanting to pop the game out of storage and play but it looks like utter shit on a OLED, I thought about playing it on my PSTV but same thing.

I want to explain. Right so the first time I saw a final fantasy game was ff7 the intro bombing mission at my uncles house back in 1997 when I was 7 years old. I thought it was cool but my parents wouldnt buy it for me. When I got around to buying a final fantasy game a year or 2 later ff7 was no longer in the shops but FF8 was so FF8 was the first one I bought and played but FF7 was the first one I saw. Then my next experience with FF7 was advent children and then crisis core. Only after both of these did I go back and emulate ff7 on the psp and beat it, this was in like 2007 or 8 or something. Thoughts?

Why would anybody have thoughts on that

The real Sephiroth was the one we see Whirlwind maze. He moves to northern crater after. I think

Waited too long.

I remember my uncle was a detective investigating a case of pirated video games on PS1 back in the 90s and he gave me a briefcase full of pirated ps1 game discs lel. He said he had 100s and didnt need all of them for the court case. I couldnt figure out how to get them to work as I was just a kid so I just brought them to school and we used them as frisbees

I'd care about your childhood stories if you posted them.

Yes I know but I was poor.

What remains of my PS1 collection.

>Greatest Hits
Yeah I know you're not the only one seething.

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why monkey sick :(

>I couldnt figure out how to get them to work as I was just a kid so I just brought them to school and we used them as frisbees
I had my ps1 modded. I had a Chinese friend who knew someone in the Bronx or somewhere who did it for $30. He had a truck load of pirated games and always had the new great title for under $20.

i was too retarded when i was younger to understand something like ff7

Mom and Dad wouldnt buy it for me. We only got like 3 or 4 games a year between me and older brother growing up if we were lucky. Usually Christmas and birthday. Didn't play it until I got a PS3 years later and got it on psn.

>admitting to stealing evidence

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I still have the original preorder version of the game and the pre-order t-shirt you get.

>tfw too young/poor when it was new to have played it OG
Closest I got was playing a little of it on a PS1 at a friends when it was a few years old. I played the PS classics version on PS3.

believing what people say on the internet

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I have it for PSX. It's the original one, not the Platinum version. Never finished it on PSX so I bought it for Vita a few days ago and plan on playing and finally completing it.

I'm not posting proof but I will say I was a contrarian faggot when it got released and said it sucked without playing it. My cousins got it and needed help getting past a boss (the elevator during the Shinra escape, they were like 8 at the time) and asked me to get past it. I ended up playing it up to Costa Del Sol that weekend.

Now I play it ever few years.

I got VI instead.