It's going to be a disaster. Anyone excited for this is a literal retard.
Whelp, guess I'm a literal retard. You win, OP.
I'm hella excited.
Torgaust alone has me pretty excited. Sorry OP.
OP here, jk they fixed everything!
They have said this quite literally for every expansion
I'm excited, weirdly enough. I'm ready for another WoW xpac, ready for 2H Frost to come back, the new zones look pretty neat, and there's definitely gonna be some fanservice with old dead characters like Garrosh and Kael'thas in it. The roguelite dungeon tower also seems really neat for someone who consumes WoW like I do (play xpac for 1-2 months, unsub, come back at the very end of the xpac maybe to mop up any content of value, repeat).
>Playing on private server
>Blizz get ZERO pounds from me
stop consuming shounenshit
I'm excited for anything that gets rid of azerite and corruption.
>2H Frost
Literally the reason I stopped playing. Is it coming back???
How were frost DKs in the last expansion? I stopped at the one before it.
We were fucking beasts in Warlords of Draenor
>replace Azerite Traits with Covenant Traits
you retards never learn.
I didnt know saving cool fanart was consoming. Thanks user!
I’m playing on a Cataclysm private server, is there a macro that makes me use Bloodthirst but when an enemy is low health uses Execute instead?
Covenant traits are not RNG though you fucking retard. It also doesn't give you 3 dead armor slots even when you happen to get lucky (or wait a the 8 weeks per slot to buy the correct BiS azerite armor)
The AoE changes are sheer lunacy.
2H Frost is returning yes. Blizzard might be adding other things too
I'm not excited per se, but if Im bored when it comes out I might grab it so I can play my druid to max level a bit. The night fey seem like good druid faction. I don't have the time to raid anymore so I'll probably not play more than a month or two though.
>cool fanart
Also what sort of faggot saves fanart on there computer to look at later?
>Oh cool drawing! I’ll right click and save it to my fan art folder so that when I feel like looking at fanart of an anime schoolgirl jumping in the air I can look at it! *eats doritos and farts*
lol what a faggot
>spend 20 minutes unlocking the trait you want, and its your forever
I don't think you know why people hated Azerite. I'm a bit more worried about the "legendary forging" they talked about. That seems like itll probably be an obnoxious mandatory grind.
I'm happy starfall is going back to the old way. Yeah, I might pull extra mobs but who fucking cares, old school starfall is sex.
They don't even give you new classes or race/class combos anymore.
Subraces don't count.
I'm not hyped to play with slower spec rotations than XIV's and Brazilians. Hard pass.
It's MoP 3.0, we're going home.
Let's copy anarchy online and steal the name of an mmo expansion from 2004ish and no one will remember duuuuuuur
hey hey people
aoe farming is one of the most satisfying things for me in these games....
Did they unfuck hunter yet
What’s the changes, gayboy?
2H Frost coming back, yeah. I don't know how DKs did in the last xpac but at the start of BFA they seemed immobile and weak. Hopefully that changed/changes, and hopefully Blizzard doesn't fuck up the 2H vs DW Frost balance. The entire spec was basically reformatted in Legion to function on DW for stuff like KM procs and such, and having two runeforges vs just one. I'll be surprised if they get it right, honestly, but I'm hoping. DW Frost was always this horrendously stupid concept that got shoehorned because of Thassarian and they needed more places to dump 1h weapon drops.
Frost always should've been 2H and 2H only. Arthas was Frost, and Frostmourne is a 2H. End of story.
Yeah after I fucked your mum
Still the same shit rotations and they overtuned MM in the alpha. Which makes it a target for good ol fashioned Blizzard “balance”. It’ll probably be even worse than BfA by live because of that.
>Blizz get ZERO pounds from me
Yea, because you gained all those pounds sitting on your ass playing it, fattie.
Go back to Diablo where you belong, subhuman.
How will Ass rogue be? Any alpha chads here?
I’m muscular unlike you, gayboy
same here brah
it feels good to not have that itch to play anymore. Cataclysm completely killed it for me. Im fucking free
I'm a little excited. I usually am for WoW expansions going in fully aware I'll play a week, hit max, clear most *fun* content and then quit.
Might PvP for another week if Monk is OP.