This is Jill Valentine. she is smelly, crass, vulgar and stinky. she's also my wife

this is Jill Valentine. she is smelly, crass, vulgar and stinky. she's also my wife.

Attached: 1587378992223.jpg (1920x1080, 157.18K)

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this is Jill Valentine. she is smelly, crass, vulgar and stinky. she's also my wife.

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one at a time please ladies

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amazing how quickly this board 180s.

Too bad her game also stinks, and not in a feminine musk sort of way,

No, she isn't

>ywn spend a whole morning cuddling with Nu-Jill on a rainy Raccoon City day
>you are both somewhat hazily awake and simply listening to the soft patter of rain at the window
>she gets up and runs her hand over your head, telling you she has to pee and will be right back
>watch her cute butt as she staggers to the bathroom
>hear the soft sound of her tinkling, like the sound of a cheerful mountain brook
>suddenly be scared out of your wits by a booming fart that reverb and echoes off the walls
>hear her mutter 'Fuuuck,' and laugh
>she doesn't bother flushing
>comes back to bed and snuggles beside you
>you pity lesser men who will never know such joy

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Jill doesn't wipe very well after POOPING

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Whatever happened to da Joost? Is it true she went to eat da poo poo down in Saudi Arabia?

she is trying to become a twitch thot streaming FF7R

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why is she so gross lads

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man she was streaming since MGSV came out, but she never accepted donations or anything, or even a partnership because she felt it was unfair to block some viewers out of content

Everyone eventually bows to fans that want to throw money at them

objectively speaking who smelled worse post game, jill or claire?

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Built for the BMC (Big Nemesis Cock)

What is that gunk on her jacket? How did her jacket go from completely clean at the gas station to this? I don't understand.

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she has to slide herself on the ground a couple of times

What did S.D. Perry mean by this?

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"Look Nemi! These fags used to hate me and call me a tranny. Now they suddenly love me! These guys will flip-flop their opinion to whatever is most popular on the 4channel to try and fit in with the mindset. They're a bunch of sad lonely fucks, right Nemi?"


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Uh, my Jill Sandwich (original) would never get dominated by that Slav trash.

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This thread stinks

What a cute little Suzy homemaker!

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UM JILL, were you about to say "jizz" here?

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I think she was going to say herself.

gz on your "wife"

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>in the kitchen where she belongs with a smile


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>that gratuitous closeup on her armpits
>all those ass shots that's practically rubbed in your face every time she's crawling
Goddamn she's a gift that keeps on giving

Death and rotting corpses is probably what she's referring to. Stop being absolute creeps.

But the Drain Deimos's eggs were spewed out via a semen-like substance, so it's only natural to assume that their hive probably had the stench of dried cum. Makes sense why she wouldn't even want to think about it.

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modded voth jill is true jill

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massive improvement