Say words

>say words
>get permanently banned
What went wrong at Steam?


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Other urls found in this thread:

>Due to a number of previous bans/warnings

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>Forum has rules about what you can post
>Violate rules
>Get banned
Makes sense to me.

Social interaction is not for you autisimo.

>fallout 76

I mean, if you ignore the fact that all he did was call someone a weeblet and that this is probably indicative of the enforcement policy, then sure, he's in the wrong.
But then you can look at the way things are being enforced and realize that the moderators on Steam forums are complete cucks, every one of them.
OP's real mistake was discussing anything on Steam forums and not being a grey-skinned NPC shill.

>do stupid thing
>use reductionism to make it seem not stupid
get fucked loser

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>i cant stand people saying bad things about my shit game
kill yourself todd

Let's take a look at my previous "infraction" shall we? What horrible words I said that led me to the path of permabans

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>Go to a children safe zone
>Call kids a faggot
>Get banned

Your fault

>Banned by shitposting a clock

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The Internet is normie space now and has been for a quite a number of years now. Normies can't handle bad words.

Yes I am clearly a monster that needs to be silenced

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>unironic "it's good with friends" posting
You deserve to be banned for shitty opinions

I mean, you're not particularly a model citizen, but I see plenty of people give worse. What was your first offense, anyway?


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>weeb btfo so hard he had to censor it
lmao weebs are not human


das raysis.

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OP is just too based for steam. The mods are basically giving him the okay to pirate everything.

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Oh, you dropped an 'a'-bomb. You're public enemy number one, now.
And they caught you.

they dont want you in the community with your aggressive shit talking. move on, seething aspie

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i miss when forum mods would ban someone and reason was "for being a whiny cunt"

>comunicating with people outside self moderated mediums
It's your fault, buddy. The only place that it's not self moderated and I still post is this place.

i love when redditors get bans and come here to whine about em.

>shitpost like a fucking autist outside of Yas Forums
>get warned
>multiple times even
>don't get the hint
>finally get banned
>go to Yas Forums to cry
It's always the same with you fags. No self-awareness at all.

You people act like everywhere Yas Forums and as long as you don't post porn it's ok to act crazy.

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you need to go back

bitching after bitching. no one wants to hear that shit. not every place is an internet hate machine like you fucking fags want Yas Forums to be and they dont want to hear your snarky whiny bitching

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Steam is too normie to be able to call someone an autistic retard. You should understand the culture of a forum before posting.

>shitpost on normalfag clay
>get b&
>post about it here

it used to be like that senpai. zoomers missed out

To the Fallout 76 forums? Nah, but unlike you I could LMAO

Hi austistic_frog

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Have you actually forgotten what it's like to post when you're not anonymous, you stupid nigger?

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Yas Forums has ruined you to a point where it's become impossible for you to make a point without throwing a childish insult at someone faggot.

Grow up retard.

This. Some people are beyond help.

I'm still quite capable of discussing without insulting people. I'm also capable of realizing that out of the many dozens of insults thrown around in Steam forums, only those that come from marked 'undesirables' or that are attached to opinions that run against the grain are considered worthy of warning or banning.
If every person who insulted or used an aggressive tone on Steam forums was treated the same, this would be less of an issue.


The mods on this site have let you get away with too much bullshit. No one wants to hear this shit in the real world.

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Reminder that there's literally nothing wrong with calling niggers niggers

>unironically shitposting like this on other forums
>when they're not anonymous
>when they have strict moderation
>when they're meant to double as community troubleshooting
>get warned multiple times
You're a retard, OP. You're almost worse than a newfag rdditor.

OP btfo for being a passive aggresive dumbass

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I'd be more sympathetic to you if you had called him a fucking retard. Calling him a weeblet, as non-offensive as that is, has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. It's the sort of thing where you're kinda going out of your way to insult him, when you could've just not said it.

I blame phoneposters


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I love these. Thanks for posting.

>call someone an autistic retard in a non-anonymous public forum
WOOOOOOOOW how could you have known?! This is admin abuse!


I're a crybaby faggot. So yeah, silenced.

>go to a website that isn't Yas Forums
>act like you're still on Yas Forums
>get banned

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>steam forums
you deserve it

he has an anime profile picture and anime name, seems pretty fitting to me.

>say words
>get banned

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You're being banned for insulting people for no reason, you fucking retard.

>Due to number of previous bans/warnings

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>bought fallout 76
You deserve all the suffering you can get and more.

Okay redditor

has someone identified this guy yet
aka docks

weeblet wasn't even appropriate. what is wrong with you

>spamming is against the rules
>post spam
>get warned for spam

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This. You guys ironically became niggers of the internet, You complain about harsher punishment but fail to bring up past offenses into consideration.

This post is off-topic. Please don't get banned again, user. Delete the post, fast!

I hope you talk like that to someone in person and get beat up.

Based Steam admin taking out the trash

I hope americans manage to succeed in their campaign to re-open their country so all the burger kids like OP are forced back to school and die of Wuhan Flu.

You fucking idiot. You can't treat the rest of the internet like Yas Forums and not expect repercussions.

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Oh shit

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Heres the OP's steam profile.

He's banned in the RoR2 community and Fallout 76 community so it was easy to find the posts he was quoting.,

now if they only banned every other offtopic shit on the board

thank you based mod

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