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Just get a girlfriend it's not hard.

They will just end up getting re-uploaded. They always do when this happens.

>Just get a girlfriend
Ive had a few of those before.
I'll pass. Give waifu game

>purge across the net for mods related to the aforementioned games
Do Illusion really have the money to do that shit?

Just use nopy.

3D hentai is so shit...

just torrent the new repack every 6 months lol

why would illusion do that
mods are a large part of why people "play" those games

>a bunch of 0 and 1 made in ms paint

Not really, but a certain company did the same shit to Honey Select mods.

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Finally all those low quality 3d videos will stop plaguing my timeline

>Just get a money grabbing whore
Nah thanks senpai

>just be a normalfag
>it's easy


Had some. Females = cancer.

just cuz some fat nazi made it up doesn't mean its european
just like snoy is "japanese" when the HQ have been in commiefornia for a while now and it shows how american they become

>just downloaded it last month with all the mods I need

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>low quality 3d videos
This isn't SFM, user

Could very well just be Mega turning into faggots. Kim dotcom said that mega was compromised awhile ago

Is there a way to make the fullgame vr mod actually work?


This actually has nothing to do with MEGA itself, it's unironically a bunch of Discord trannies who mass-reported every KK community MEGA for illegal content and got them all shut down.

sorry bro i got a girlfriend right now and she is a piece of shit. Women are cancerous, venomous, greedy pieces of shit who take more than they ever give.

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no... this cant be....i-i kneel....

Where and how do you get cute and funny lgf?

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i have a girlfriend and i spend a lot of time playing eroge
also, fuck illusion games, boring trash where you just select an animation then fap, no amount of customization can excuse boring sex, same reason i could never get into TK17 despite it being one of the few games where you can make trannies

Fucking great. Mega is a piece of shit, i don't see why people like it.

Die already.

>mfw I don't even play these but always downloaded the mega folders I came across

I am so based

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>used to be like megaupload, giving you unlimited downloads at full speed no matter what
>became worse over its lifetime becoming more or less another generic filehoster except with full speed til u hit the 8GB limit or whatever
people like it cuz it used to be great and still is rather useful in most cases
obviously faggots like you that never used it wouldnt know this

Are they banning it because it's porn? Because it's loli porn? Or because it's copyright?

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>banning shit for being "illegal" when it's not

MEGA Upload went down the shitter, boys we're moving to RapidFire

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Just use your imagination to jack off lol
Needing a game to do it for you is a sign of weakness.

They host all the brap porn and nintendo switch rips I want. The cap is bullshit but at least you can get between 5 and 10GB free at max speed (depends how busy the servers are apparently).

>I want a sandwich
>just eat shit instead it's not that hard
You don't really understand the problem here.


likely the questionable legal aspects of it, meaning the potential loli bits. There is no copyright excepti f you mean repacks, which illusion likely has no money for to bother hunting down like Fakku

illusion doesnt give a shit about copyright
there's a guy selling their games on patreon and making 10k per month

next time get an essential worker job normalfag.

Megaupload was also shit, stop pretending.

cringe retard

what's the best way to play AA2 now?

By downloading a 170GB repack and then realizing its rly not worth it compared to koikatsu n others

>he's not created a tulpa
fuck off, casual

Can MEGA even able to browse those files without decryption key (mostly included in sharing URL)?
Guess someone are mad and mass report them.

Part of the point of making money is the knowledge that women don't care about you if you don't have any.
80% of all spending is done by women, even virgin neets derive THAT much pleasure from buying shit, it's a simple fact of nature.

Only gf I can get are the ones that are extremely needy, other mental issues, or have no hobbies that don't involve talking on the phone for 5 hours about nothing with me.

fpbp fuck everyone else

>virgin neets DON'T derive that much pleasure from buying shit.

Get AA2Mini.
It's a 3gig repack and restructured/recompressed version of AA2. Look it up. It's on this very website. Mod packs are drag and drop now, too and the game itself does not require locale or or properly installed directory since it's self contained.

Yeah some faggots reporting the uploads and somehow this is supposed to mean people will stop hosting them on mega.
It's pretty retarded like every other clickbait from angrygaymer

Use AA2Mini with AAUnlimited

>giving yourself schizophrenia

but the women i can probably get are not attractive. also its fun to play these games, people actually like messing with them on just that level you know.

Remember when Fakku purge Honey Select mods for some reasons? Nothing last forever my son

>80% of all spending is done by women,
Fun fact: That was one the reasons big companies pushed hard to get women in the workforce in the mid 20th century. Labor was not only devalued by doubling the workforce, but the biggest splurgers got their own income to spend.

Did they get /kkg/'s stuff? Haven't been there in a while.

Is Koikatsu just for waifus and vanilla sex or is there lewder things I can do with it?

Every female that was attracted to me had some kind of deep rooted problem in their lives, my brain goes on red alert around them, the last thing I want in my life is a partner who has more problems than me, better being alone than with a fucked up person.

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