Pokemon Twilight Wings episode 4 English


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>She can swim
Confirmed for not being black

>He watches the anime
I'm surprised you can even type with all the cocks you have in your mouth
Back to /padg/ you go!

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These just make me sad that the characters were so flat in the actual game.

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I love my wife Nessa.

Isn't it a separate anime though


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Pokemon now only exists to introduce waifus that are only given characterization in other mediums anyway

do Japs really swim with their shoes on?

Holy shit, didn't know Milotics were so massive

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me in da bak

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Can't wait for Bede's episode.

Marnie episode when.

What's it like being an air-duct?

she made a cameo in this so maybe soon?


Is Marnie on a date with an older guy?

i fucking hate nessa so much

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I wanna have sex with black girls

i still love how silly those shoes look

Yes, goth girls all have daddy issues, which mean they are attracted to older men.

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And that's a good thing!

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>Takes place in Pokemon England
>None of them have obnoxious cockney accents

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I wish I was in a DDLG relationship with Marnie

>she will never make fun of your tiny whiteboi dick


its obviously open seating


clearly they are at different tables

all this effort put into throwaway shorts for youtube instead doing cutscenes like this in the actual games

Cockney accents were replaced by Indian accents long ago


Imagine what the business structure at The Pokemon Company must look like. Cheap, half-official side projects are probably the only place anyone with actual creativity can express some of it freely without getting quashed by “market research” or other executive bullshit.

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>japanese VA is Sora Amamiya

LMAO they are going to make her a klutz in the anime, aren't they?

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Buisness structure at TPC looks like most other Japanese companies do. Extremely stiff and inefficient.

I can assure you part of the reason why they don't do it is because they don't want to bother having to put voice acting in the games themselves.

God I wish I was that cup.

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