>Nintendo is the only one without price drops
>Nintendo is the only one without price drops
When did the japs fall for the blacked meme?
I don't get out much even without quarantine but from the sounds of things Nintendo can't keep their shit stocked at present. To that end, why drop the price?
They are the only company who makes consistently fun games. $60 is honestly too little a price for the quality you get. BoTW and Smash are easily worth $200 in terms of fun you'll be getting out of them, and most Nintendo games are at least $80. So think of it like all Nintendo games are always being sold at a discount.
They don't sell as many copies as PS4 and Xbone games.
Their games tend to hold their value as few players sell their copies and people want their games more.
So companies can charge more for them and there's no need to rush to the bottom in discounts or to get stock off shelves.
It has happened with games like Amiibo Festival but it's not the norm for nintendo games.
Why are people so stupid?
>game sells for $60, even years later
>People still buy for $60 even years later
>Drop price
why? I hate you retards sometimes.
People are willing to play full price for Nintendo games months, years and sometimes even decades after release. The company has no incentive to reduce price if they sell regardless.
I'm of the opinion that their games would sell more if they dropped the price a while after release, but I'm some faggot on an anime forum so who gives a shit.
It used to make sense when they released peerless titles like ALTTP and Mario 64. I would pay full price for those games in current year. Now they’re just dry humping the rotting corpses of Mario and Zelda so it’s a bit less understandable but manchildren will still pay big bucks for their bing bing nostalgia fix.
>They don't sell as many copies as PS4 and Xbone games
This is literally, factually false. Nintendos Exculsives butfutt most of the Xbox and PS4 games generally...
This. Also, Nintendo doesn't sell at loss by default like other consoles.
>Game sells for $20
>*pulls tropical freeze from wii u e shop and re-sells it on switch for 3x the price
BOTW is still selling amazingly well 3 years later even at $60. Of course they wouldn't drop the price.
Don't expect Yas Forums to think logically or think about business at all.
Nobody fall for it now.
Because they’d still end up selling more regardless of whether or not some people are willing to pay full price. You’d need to get into some major math and analysis to determine which method is more profitable and I don’t think anyone here is capable of doing that.
Why is Mike loling
white people bring blacks wherever they go
Fall for what? I have put over 200 hours into Zelda and 500 into Smash whereas I got maybe 15 hours out of GoW and Alyx each. So yes Nintendo makes the best games for your dollar, they are sold way below what they're worth.
>A multi-billion dollar company doesn't know how to analysis or determine profits
>Some random retards form Yas Forums know better than Nintendo.
>lul they should lower prices they are missing out on monahhh!!!
No, I really hate you guys so fucking much.
You having autism doesn't mean a game is worth the price
poopy dick poopy dick poopy dick poopuy dick
>60 bucks for a nintendo game isn't enough, should be higher
More like lower
Laptops found in a pawn shop have better wifi reception than the switch at this rate and for basically the same price (switch + game + online service for a year)
Coping doesn't change the fact that if Nintendo weren't just a nice developer and actually sold Zelda and BoTW for that much, they would still sell like hotcakes. You know why? Cause they're fucking amazing games.
Jesus Nintendo really is a fucking cult.
BOTW is mediocre
>Zelda and BotW
Oh wow Nintendo has 2 decent games now? Incredible.
nintendo has sales all the time, but you retards won't accept any price drop unless the game drops under 2 dollars
A cult? It's literally simple logic. This applies to Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft any company. These are huge corporations. I'm sure they use marketing analysis before deciding on profits. I'm not saying this to show my support for these companies at all, this is literally how business works you fucking child.
Why does Yas Forums think they're smarter than companies who are profiting in the billions? I don't get it.
I hate you all so much. I really wish Yas Forums would force an ID check for age verification.
I meant Smash and BoTW, but damn you sure BTFO me.
why are you even here you self-inflicted stockholm syndrome faggot
Yas Forums is full of pseudo intellectuals that why.
You idiots fell for it.
Preaching to the choir buddy. Yas Forums was lost ages ago. There is no speaking sense into the people here. People spew whatever nonsense comes to their mind. The poorfags have been complaining about the $60 price tag for years and there's always someone who comes into these threads making the same point as you. Doesn't matter Yas Forums is forever retarded.
>Can't say anything bad about BoTW even though it's just a barebones open world game with with HL2 physics
>#ThankYouGamefreak when new Pokemon was being revealed for the shitfest it actually was
>AC missing shittons of content and having a 1 island max, still ends up being the highest selling game of the series and anyone who criticizes anything about it is accused of being a snoy review bomber
nintendo games are actually worth $60 + the price of the console
>>A multi-billion dollar company doesn't know how to analysis or determine profits
did you just forget about all the massive failures nintendo's had
did the wii u not happen for you
Basic supply and demand. I know it pains you to hear this, but people are more willing to spend $60 on a Nintendo game than $40 on a PS4 game.
Nice strawman faggot. Games != Consoles
yamero, kurohito
It's an IQ issue
>High IQ = PC
>Normal IQ = XBONE
>Low IQ = Pisspoor
>Mental Retardation = Nintendo
Even $20 ps4 games make me cringe