Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Why did it fail

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Because the only reason FF7 succeeded and is remembered fondly in the first place is it was the series first steps into 3D. Same reason things like Mario 64, OoT, etc are remembered so fondly. A remake didn't bring anything new to the table that other entries in the series hadn't done, let alone anything on the scale of going from 2D to 3D.

shit ending
it also had bad level design, padding everywhere, and overall failed to justify itself as the first of an episodic series, but the shit ending is so shit that it's dominated discussion

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>A time jannie doesn't push the wheelchair

It's episodic and they fucked it up

This Noctis insert wasn't the worst part of the game somehow.


that's a shit post


>all the FF7 idiots bought it, even though they're bitching about it
>millions of casual gamers will buy it just because it's being talked about

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>sales are success
doesn't mean the game is good
>word of mouth
mostly about the kingdom hearts stuff

>doesn't mean the game is good
Sure, but the OP asked why the game 'failed'. If you asked the people who made the game, the people who invested in the game, or the competition trying to compete with the game, all of them would indicate that the high number of sales mark the game as a success.

If you don't like the conversation you're hearing, you can try to change the conversation; but don't pretend the original statement is somehow invalidated because you wanted to suddenly change the stipulations to some that are more in your favor.


because its not a remake

op isn't asking the devs, investors, or competition you autist

>doesn't mean the game is good
True. But "failure" would mean the game didn't make a profit. It's clearly going to make a profit.

i guess if you're a market analyst or industry journalist or some shit then the word "failure" immediately has financial implications

>everyone loves this game outside this hellhole
>sold ton of copies

>why-y did it fail Yas Forumsros....

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You're a real idiot.

Make up your fucking minds, there's like 2 threads saying it was a success and 2 saying it failed

nice argument faggot

Everyone got butthurt about leslie calling him a noctis insert but apparently he was already a character from a ff7 prequel and not introduced in the remake for the first time

It's real easy detecting shills. They always talk about sales, financial success, metacritic and e-celebs. They're so obvious.

b-b-b-b-b-but i found some random jap reviews calling something bad

he's some fanfic garbage

While I agree that chapter 18 sucks it did not fail.

this board isn't a hivemind

I thought this was Cidney for a sec.
I haven't played FF7 or the Remake, why is Cloud on a wheelchair?

go to any board, forum, or any other space where ff7r is being discussed and you'll see people dragging the ending


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he goes insane when he finds out his memories are a lie, he's been roleplaying as a guy call zack and cloud strife might not actually exist and was created in a lab from alien cells.

>all these copers
It's getting kind of sad.

I see, thanks. Is his insanity real or just pretending?

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Nomura is in the game?

there’s a lot of people who liked it too and are excited for the potential direction. it’s almost like people enjoy different things.