Next JoJo game

It's gotta be in development... right anons?

Attached: hIeqIyP.jpg (640x603, 37.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Bizarre_Adventure_(SFC_Game)

just play heritage lol
But user, they just released this last year. You do like Battle Royale, right?

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Part 2 is peak JoJo btw
haven't read 7 yet though

>tranny's dysphoric adventures

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w-why does he wear the headband

fuck off, JoJo's is for everyone

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game doesn't count if I have to go to an arcade in some shithole country to play it

lotta loyalty for a hired pillar man

>there will never be a arc system works jojo game
>there will never be a true successor to hftf

why does bamco shit on IPs bros?

I feel like Platinum would make an amazing Jojo game, but I know it'll never happen because good things aren't allowed in this life

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the headband

Jotaro dies in part 6. Gyro dies in part 7. Norisuke dies in part 8.

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Look at this face
I want to fuck Johnny in his crippled booty hole.

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Why was Jonathan so swole?

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>calling this piece of shit a game

Did Speedwagon have polio?

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more importantly, why was his head so tiny?

What's wrong with Speedwagon's face?
Why does Dio look like a swole Willy Wonka?
Whats up with his hand?
How come Hamon doesn't get used that often past part 2 even though it's really cool?

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because Japes thought it was too similar to Hokuto no Ken and Araki bent the knee and introduced Spirit Hamon to make it stand out from Hokuto no Ken

Sort of, yes and No.

>because Japes thought it was too similar to Hokuto no Ken
Araki literally started Jojo as a Hokuto No Ken fanfic

he's fucking dead

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>people wished for a Kill la Kill Platinum game
>get a forgettable arena fighter
All we ever get for anime adaptions are Musuo and fighting/arena fighter games

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can't wait to see this animated, hopefully it will be more satisfying than Shigechi's death was


>Jotaro is 40 in that picture yet he looks 20
Jesus Christ was Joseph 90 in Part 4?

Why was Joseph such a dick to his grandpappy?

Attached: Joseph is a dick.png (1161x676, 1.77M)

who fucking knows

he was 79 in part 4 and confirmed to be alive in part 6 by araki

>it's just going to be another boring overdone fighting game instead of something interesting like an RPG's_Bizarre_Adventure_(SFC_Game)