What was it about the original Mirror's Edge game that made it so good?

What was it about the original Mirror's Edge game that made it so good?

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Art direction.
Interesting new twist on a genre.
Simple gameplay.

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ridiculously dense level design

The first person movement system which has yet to be topped

God tier sound design

Mirror’s Edge in VR is the next obvious step for this franchise.

Specialy considering the time when it came out, it was unique and different colors, as no other game from that era had this chromatics.

Imagine all the puking

art design
level design
parkour was still new and interesting

I also liked the music.

ray tracing, baked not realtime, so a high quality image than you would get with RTX today.

and this isnt just a visual benefit, because of the way light bounces from around corners, and that shadow or colour bounce is saved to the surface, that raytraced information, does something which i think the developers did not realise, is that the bounced lighting data subconsciously, allows the players when traversing the enviroment to fairly correctly what is around the next corner, without actually seeing it. so therefore, without any minimap, or an onscreen arrow system like the shitty sequel, you can always predict using the lightmap what you need to do in terms of movement, this helps sustain the sense of "flow", which if you were in a 2d platformer or runner game where you can always see ahead, mirrors edge manages to the same with light bake from raytracing, even though you cant actually see around the corner.
mirrors edge 2, doesnt have that light bake information on the surfaces, so there is often that disconnect, you are not sure what is around the corner, the environment without a constant light record, i think the human brain can't quite figure out the dimensions and scale of spaces without that lighting information, and therefore we can't guess if a jump can be made, or experience the sense of "risk" when a jump can only "just" be made.

probably doesnt make any sense but w/e,

what made it good, was the stored lighting information.

a clear vision realised by people with talent
being finished before EA could fuck with it too hard
kidnapping solar fields and feeding him mushrooms until he puked out the best ost of the decade

The weak should fear the strong

nice beatles reference

>le baked lighting
would you just shut the fuck up already, nobody wants to hear you regurgitate some puffed up faggot on youtube's opinions, you pretentious fucking child

I was going to give my two cents but the first four posts basically say it all. So I'm going to post wallpaper-sized screens instead.

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Not a very good start, user.

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How did they manage to make such timeless graphics, brehs?
Played ME2 a few months ago and the graphics were absolute shit.

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I wasn't gonna start with the obvious daytime rooftop pics, everyone has those.

Basically what the other guy said in a profoundly stupid way. Baked global illumination and so forth. They got help from Illuminate Labs to do so:

Having 99% of your game be static geometry allows you to do a lot of precalculated lighting, user. Not that that's bad, it just is what it is.

ME2 fell for the reflection meme, the clean non-glossy surfaces of ME1 are way more pleasing to look at

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Not sandbox so the routes were crafted very well.
No SJW dyke shit either

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>half-asian strong femal protag saves her sister from police state corruption with help from diverse ethnic rebel group
The SJW themes were always there, user. They just went down smoothly.

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Could you at least turn anti-aliasing on for these screenshots?

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Not my work, I just grabbed a ton of them when some user posted them on /wp/ way back

Would these even look any different rendered in a modern engine?

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Depends if you have a rig that can do real-time irradiance and global illumination

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sh*t the fuck up tr*pfag

There was something really atmospheric about the original ME. I really liked the near future with a Y2k influences.

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What makes you think user's opinion came from Youtube? For a technique as old as the concept of computer rendering, baked lighting is woefully underutilised in games

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I'll join

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This looks like a Six Senses bathroom

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I mean if they baked it again, not real time

easy mode was playing the game on hardest difficulty, hard m ode and the real game was doing speedruns.

ME2's plot and characters were absolute garbage but the environmental design was amazing

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Screenshot 2018.09.13 - (1920x1080, 2.87M)

If they didn't use the fucking default textures they could make something good looking

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For sure, thing is that most art (authoring) pipelines or even the rendering pipelines aren't set up for that at all on modern engines most of the time. In fact, it's also why ME2 doesn't look that good. Another example is the original Dragon's Age, which actually used the same baking as ME1, but they dropped it in Dragon Age 2.


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Never played it, I was repulsed by the fact you have to level up your parkour abilities.

SJW doesnt mean "anything where women arent terrible", mate.

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Screenshot 2018.12.21 - (1920x1080, 2.49M)

I agree, but I wish Yas Forums wouldn't have go ape-shit when presented with a female not ''made for BBC''

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Other than a select few set pieces, I'm gonna disagree with you there. Shit look liked cardboard cutouts.