Let's talk about how regular, scheduled updates enforce Animal Crossing central mechanic of a real time clock and BTFO time travelers.
Let's talk about how regular...
>implying anyone gives enough of a fuck about event furniture that they'll time travel
99% of time travelers just use it to get lodsemone and to skip gated periods like the first week.
Let's talk about how lucky Nintendo is to have a personal army to defend any decision it makes FOR FREE
A villager I'm ignoring so they leave is walking around with blue circles over their head
Do I talk to them now?
Sorry idiot the Christmas event will be there at christmas, play the game right.
Everyone is bitching about lack of content.
But i see it how it is.
This is a games as a live service plot.
Just you wait, if worst comes to pass, the third nook store update will have microtransactions.
I've never understood the burning hatred for "time travelers". Hackers I can understand especially since there used to be huge problems with them abusing it to screw over other players. But someone who just changes the clock to speed up tree growth, PWP, move outs, etc. Someone that just wants to experience an event sooner or because they missed it. Someone that wants a fish/bug that is only available at a time they don't play the game. Hating them for that is petty and nonsensical. You are basically just getting mad at someone for enjoying the game differently than you.
based as fuck
Dilate timetranny
I don't get it either
based retard
They hate time travelers wbk
Definitely don't hate them but the "no content" bitching is pretty tiresome since it's clear that Nintendo is drip-feeding content updates to enforce the real time clock. I think it is good you get less our of time traveling than ever because it does legit spit in the face of the game's spirit.
Why is it hard to understand?
Had all this content been in the game everything would have been spoiled by now. All events would’ve been plastered all over twitter, Reddit leaving no surprises.
And The time hackers keep saying the game is barebones.
I’m pretty much all this content is done and finished. They are literally waiting to flip a switch. They are probably sitting on a year worth of updates at least.
based on what?
well since they turned animal crossing into a live service game, of course it's dependant on real time clock.
It always has been, you breaking the game doesn't change that.
shut the fuck up
>thank god Nintendo patched in fucking egg day, or else the hackers would've discovered what a piece of event it is
Did it ruin New Leaf for you too? I don't remember anyone saying "Oh god the time travelers are back and they spoiled Toy Day for me"
cool, might buy it when they actually finish the game
He's right.
NOOOOO! I need to unlock all the stuff NOW! I haven't had a dopamine fix in 0.6 seconds! Muh instant gratification! REEEEEEEEEE!
well that's how live service games work. They ship the bare minimum and have a plan to drip feed content over the years to keep players coming back regularly.
>cut content out of the game
>release it later as "free" updates
>Yas Forumsaggots eat this shit up
Bravo, Nintendo.
Why did you put quotes around free?
>friend who time travels was bored of the game 2 weeks in and keeps complaining to this day that there's nothing to do
had the same thing happen to me. A girl I knew wouldn’t shut the fuck up about everything for a week or 2, constantly posting her roads, fences, other TT bullshit while we were all slumming it. She dropped the game not even a month after release
Man it rocks to objectively get more pit of your purchase by engaging with it as intended.
it’s the same amount of content dipshit it’s just that zoomers need it NOW NOW NOW!
I'm getting more out of it by virtue of not dropping it a month in.
Yes they might tell you they’re thinking about leaving
Also I don’t think ignoring actually does anything, it’s random
More like zoomers need to deepthroat their corporate overlords who can do no wrong.
Let's talk about how requiring internet and turning all holidays into weeks-long live service events is SOULLESS
>friend TTs
>tell him that’s cool just don’t spoil anything thanks
>constantly spoils shit “on accident”
>dismisses stuff I’m excited about cause he got it 2 weeks ago
>show him my cool black rose
>”yeah I have like 10 of those”
>blew all his money and miles on customizing early since he got KK after like a week
>of course makes changes he regrets
>seems surprised I’m still enjoying and playing daily
>bitching about lack of content
Now he’s considering just restarting from scratch and presumably just TTing to where he was cause he hates his town for whatever reason. Also seemed surprised I have 4x as many bells as him in the bank. That’s why you don’t blow all your shit on customizing so early. Plan it out. Stupid TT cucks
Imagine having to wait at least a year to get all the content in your game
I never time traveled but I did usually set my clock at the start 6 months ahead of IRL time for variety's sake. I don't like everything ingame being the same as IRL, I like it to be its own little world with its own seasons etc.