Why do Videogame stories suck compared to other artistic mediums...

Why do Videogame stories suck compared to other artistic mediums? We've been making story-telling games since 1981 and we don't have one thing, from strictly a story-telling perspective, anywhere close the beauty and importance of a Great Gatsby or a Gone With The Wind, A Schindler List or a Blood Meridian - not even close. When are Videogames going to really get serious about being considered Art and start producing stories on the level of other mediums?

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boo Yas Forums

Because they're written by people who couldn't make it in the film industry.

>Why do Videogame stories suck compared to other artistic mediums?
They don't.

Name one video game story that could compete with anything in the top 50 modern books, TV-Shows, and Movies.

It's this, Videogames aren't made by artsy people, they are made by people who love Videogames, which are generally not an artsy group. If you're a serious writer why not write a great screenplay or novel or be in the writing room for an award wining TV-Show, why on earth would you go write a videogame story?

Why do people who know nothing about the medium keep making threads like these?

I mean I get that most people here are casuals, people who don't play anything that isn't massively marketed and constantly talked about: it's unfortunate, but it's what this place is now.
However, it's fucking fascinating that these people go around making bold claims about the entire medium without a second of doubt. I mean: You have to KNOW that you don't know that much about the medium, right? You can't be ignorant of your own ignorance.
It's like if a person who only exclusively watches capeshit and latest Michal Bay movies suddenly started talking about how cinema can't compare to other media: you have to know that even if you don't watch it, there is other and different stuff out there, right?

What is up with this kind of strange dellusion? And why is it so prominent among gamers? I have never seen anything like this happening among userbase of any other medium, yet here it's a daily occurance.

The first step to knowing anything is actually overconfidence, then when you start to approach the horizon of hobbyist is when you realize how much you really don't know - with that said, I've been coming here since 2010, I was introduced to Yas Forums with Yas Forums because of TKOL release by Radiohead and found this board within like a month of browsing there. And ofcourse like all of us, I've played well over 10,000 hours of video games in my lifetime and I've got the steam profile to prove it. Shit I'm probably older than you and started gaming before you, I played Wolfenstein 3D on a fuckin gateway when I was like 9 I was born late 80's. But go ahead and write me off to disregard my statement.

there are some videogames I'd rank as high in satisfaction and life-impact as some of my favorite books and movies, but purely from a story-telling standpoint they don't come close to books and movies, it's just the truth. Obviously the fact it's an interactive medium gives it another dimension that needs to be considered, but I'm strictly talking about just story writing here -

because big videogames are just botched visions from hack creatives pulled back by investors who want their money run a mile and the ones made by indiefags are just products created by furfags, autists and spergs whose artistic influences are drawn porn artists
a writer can write a good book if given the time and the resources, a musician can make a good record whereas video games are a cross-disciplinary effort that once it gets bigger, always ends up aimed towards money

fuck off reddit

>Conveniently leaves out Movies which require even more people and different disciplines coming together than most video games because it would hurt his argument

>But go ahead and write me off to disregard my statement.
I'll happily do that. Next time don't waste other people (and your own) time trying to masturbate yourself off, especially on pretense of something so innane as age (something that anyone as old as you roleplay to be would know not to do).

>Why do Videogame stories suck compared to other artistic mediums?
Considering Vidya is relatively new in comparison to other media, i think is going for the right way.
I took cinema around 50 years to create meaningful films.

>fuck off reddit
So - expecting people to actually know something about the medium is now "reddit"? Fascinating.

All that text and no actual argument, just ad hominem projections.

Ok, reddit.

It's not fun to pretend to be old, but whatever you need to tell yourself so as to not give my opinion any credence because it would upset you too much. Pretending to be a veteran of the board is equally as lame and conveniently as un-provable.

>Why do Videogame stories suck compared to other artistic mediums?
Because it's the newest artform and many stories have already been done. It's the same with movies, even if they have 80 years of advantage to vidya. This is why literature is the most important artform.

>TV Shows
Amerimutt detected

I would agree with you if I had only played mediocre console shooters too.

I think the real reason is because the story isn't the biggest element in a video-game, the actual physical mechanics of player interaction are the biggest element. If the game feels like shit to play, it doesn't matter if you have a fucking Shakespearean masterpiece on your hands, people aren't gonna care. The game has to function as a game first and foremost, but there are titles that challenge that notion like Dear Esther or The Novelist or something. Also there's the problem with serious writers not really being interested in making video games for a living.

>It took cinema around 50 years to create meaningful films

No fucking way. Film was already highly respected by intelectuals in the 1920's, while videogames are nowadays still totally irrelevant cultural-wise

nothing about the medium? name a story from a game that could compete with like a famous book or movie?! The fuck?

Because video games stories have to fit into an actual game. You cannot structure it like a movie or book because it has to leave room for all the time spent playing the game. Also, some games do have good stories. Legacy of Kain, for example

"Intellectuals" can fuck off to be honest. They can go shove their philosophy and gender studies degrees up their ass. STEM master race.

>muh slavery bad motif

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>It's not fun to pretend to be old, but whatever you need to tell yourself so as to not give my opinion any credence because it would upset you too much.
I don't need to remove credence of your arguments because they never had any to begin with. In fact, you have not made an argument so far. You made stupid, ignorant statement proving that you don't know anything about ANY medium, and then you jerked yourself off.

Protip, kid: If you actually seriously say ANYTHING along the lines of "medium x tells better stories than medium Z", you already proved you don't know anything about either. This is such a typical thing for completely illetarte, cinematically uneducated morons to do: Treat a medium like some kind of vague, amorphous blob that can simply ascribed a quality.

Anyone with any passion for books, movies, or games does not think in those terms, because he is already familiar with the actually insane plurality and variety of what they can offer, and would not be caught DEAD making such fucking idiotic generalizations. Which by the way don't constitute as arguments - argument needs to have a structure consisting of a postulate and supporting evidence, and this literally lacks the latter half.

See above, but if you insist: Pathologic 1 and 2 for starters.

Reminder that only faggots describe anything as "art." It is a useless descriptor with no meaning saturated with needless pretension. Additional reminder that nonjudgement is the superior mode of experience. Actively defining enjoyment or quality infringes on the experience. There is a poor layman's comparison to quantum physics where measuring the thing also alters the thing. Analysis and ranking obsessed culture is the antithesis of enjoyment and profundity. Final reminder that there is never a definitive "best" anything. All creative works are evaluated by the individual. By virtue of individuals having different tastes and life experiences works resonate differently.

Pathologic is better than all of that shit

Because you keep playing games with shit stories.

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It's worse than that, in the game Fink gets black prisoners from corrupt wardens and he actually pays his workers.
Not only Columbians are fucking retarded for bringing literal convicts to their utopia (not to mention their reason to do so is retarded to begin with) but black people living in the city have better living standards than in most of the US at the time.

but Last of Us is a movie too


Art is simply anything that is trying to simulate something to get an emotional response from you.

That's it. This an EXTREMELY simple, basic bitch ass, RETARD IQ level shit. The only reason there's any pretentiousness involved in the discussion of art is because of pretentious faggots who comandeered the arts back when it was degraded from a form of expression only fostered by aristrocratic elites. This is why art like Rembrandt's was fucking god tier and then you had impressionism, cubism and other subversive bullshit that is simply a way for untalented artists to try and grasp for acclaim. Eventually it devolved into how "art" is perceived today, where a fucking can of soup is supposed to be "artistic" precisely because it doesn't fucking mean anything.

you're right and I forgot addressing that before hitting post
film and video games are different in how the audience perceives them and how it is a finished product or not. films are indeed aimed towards money, difference is that a director can put his vision into a 120 minute film, with control of everything that's being shown every second of it and it's a single experience,a polished product, it gets a run through festivals or whatever and break even.
the videogame audience want a bang for their buck, a 40 hour experience for their $60 where any vision there is gets diluted and merely shown in the core gameplay and whatever turning point scenes the game has, and if you keep this vision restrained players will complain that it's a walking simulator, that it isn't worth the money for the playtime, that there aren't enough options, that they want steam refunds. this is why videogames dont really work that way, it is boring as fuck and a waste of money to pay money for a railroaded 2 hour game and thus why when its tried you get heavily shilled wastes of money like gone home and gris. and even those visions are ruined to some degree by the player

Because people with talent in this industry work on actual games while all the story games are made by movie director wannabes

Funny. My argument is in the very first post, infact the thesis is the first sentence, worded as a question. My supporting evidence, if we're going to pretend like we are writing actual arguments on a Yas Forums image board about video games, is the contrast I've made to famous novels and movies. Secondly, you're moving the goal-post, I'm speaking on one aspect of video-games, an aspect which many video-games don't even have, and that is a narrative. If you think that speaking on the validity, importance, quality, or lacktherof of an aspect of art mediums is somehow "not allowed" you will have a rude awakening if you ever take art history courses in college. Even if that was the case, people who literally publish on art for a living discuss the quality of it's aspects comparatively to other mediums all the time.

Your superiority complex is showing, and it's cringe-worthy. If there is any more things you'd like me to hold your hand and explain to you while I'm here please let me know.

They don't suck. You're just looking at mainstream AAA shit. It's like me pointing at Star Wars or Marvel and saying movies are bad at storytelling.

It's just cool to shit on video games because of contrarian culture. That's it.

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The Vox Populi revolution is retarded as well, they destroy factories, burn down homes and slaughter civilians. When they are done they will be the supreme rulers of a pile of floating trash. However while they are unquestionably retarded I can't fault them for being unrealistic, after all, Haiti exists.

Who's spine is that, anyway?

name one (1) video game with a better story than mainstream films

Video games are usually made by menchildren with limited interests. Play something like Thief The Dark Project if you want a well written story.

Campbell's Soup Cans by Andy Warhol was made in 1961 to challenge originality in modern advertising and consumerism in America which was becoming it's main export to the world - it's image. The repetition of the cans, painted to look as identical to one another as possible, shows us Warhol's interpretation of consumer-driven America and it's many TV-friendly, easily recognizable on a shelf products, and how lifeless they are. Also the painting is many paintings stacked next to each-other equidistant, and the whole piece is quite large.

There is plenty of great modern art user, don't sound so stupid.

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by other artistic mediums I assume you mean 'j-rpgs'

fuck this board, when will Gook Moot divide it into Western Video Games and Eastern Video Games?