Dark Souls is good after Anor Londo

>Dark Souls is good after Anor Londo

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>tfw look like Shirogane in real life
too bad no women like that look in reality

Bonfire warping was a mistake

>Dark Souls is good

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yea it is. tomb of giants is fantastic

Duke's archive, ToTG and New Londo are still great, just not as exciting as the first half
Even the parts of Lost Izalith that aren't blatantly unfinished (inb4 there are none) are good, the whole place has great art and atmosphere still
The DLC areas are consistent top quality with Kalameet, Artorias and Manus as god-tier bosses
And the best level design in the game has always been in the Painted World imo

Post face

Post-Anor Londo was fun and interesting the first time through, it just sucks on subsequent plays.

it was you contrarian, bonfire warping was great. It let you cut out the tedium of having to run through the same path just to get somewhere

This meme has been pushed by people way too hard.

>Duke's Archive
Better than Sen's, Darkroot Garden, Blighttown, and the Depths.
>Tomb of the Giants and Darkroot Forest
Same level of quality as most of the game
>Painted World
Top quality shit
>Lost Izalith
Inoffensive, but dull. Bed of Chaos is admittedly a blemish on the game as a whole.

>great areas
Duke's Archives, Demon Ruins, Oolacile
>good areas
ToG, Lost Izalith city area
>ok areas
Royal Woods, New Londo, Kiln
>shit areas
Crystal Cave, Chasm of the Abyss, Valley of Drakes
Lost Izalith lava lake

So yeah, all in all it's still pretty good even after Anal Rodeo


>>Painted World
>Top quality shit
Literally the shortest level in the series.

Do you know what the word quality means?
It's not the same as quantity, often the adverse even.

Shit's good though.

>Great areas
The Duke's Archives, all the DLC areas, New Londo Ruins, Tomb of the Giants
>Ok areas
Demon Ruins, Darkroot Forest, Kiln, Catacombs
>Bad areas
Valley of Drakes, Crystal Cave
>Lost Izalith
Lost Izalith

Still good I'd say. The great areas are better than Anor Londo. Anor Londo only becomes good when you enter the main building. The only other good part of it is when you go to the Painted World, which is the best area in the game.

The end game 4 bosses before Gwyn were weak pushovers

That's where the DLC comes in

4 Kings and Nito are probably among the most difficult bosses in the game

Oh brother. 4kings are the weakest there don't even try it

They're objectively harder than Seethe and BoC isn't even a real boss

nito wasn't that bad. 4 kings was bullshit though

No boss in Dark Souls 1 really is "that bad", but within the standards of the game, Nito is still among the more difficult bosses

Why are people counting valley of drakes as a post-Anor Londo area?

>quantity is quality
based retard

O&S was way harder. Pretty much any boss that had multiple enemies to fight was harder than nito. Nito was just "kite around the big rock until dead".

>immediately uses smug kaguya to shitpost on v
I like this guy, have my (you)

Nito has multiple enemies to fight

Painted World and Duke's Archives are great
New Londo is good

Lost Izalith and Catacombs are bad. I always play Catacombs last so I can have the sunlight maggot hat that shines from the Solaire quest and not worry about not being able to see shit.

It's because of that that I don't like DS2, not being able to see shit to justify the torches are too much of a gameplay mechanic in that game.

the bone zone isn't post-anor londo, and neither is the painted world, technically
the archives is a lazy, dull chore of a level. It isn't fun and it's less challenging than the other late game levels
>demon land
>inoffensive but dull
it looks like one of those five dollar unity shovelware games you'd find on steam. it's also a chore

>Yas Forums trying to say Dark Souls is a bad game
>used to have tons of threads saying how great the game is
its only a matter of time before you stupid narrative spinning faggots start saying Dark Souls is reddit or some shit. Fuck you.

Did he? I don't remember having to deal with them, but then it's been ages since I played that game. They were probably just easy to kill low level skeletons rather than another full fledged boss in the arena.

>the bone zone isn't post-anor londo
Sure, you can do most of the Tomb before O&S, but it's obviously supposed to be done afterwards

>tfw look like Fujiwara irl


He summons several big skellies as well