Blizzard in 2020

>Blizzard in 2020
What the FUCK happened?

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you're a faggot for even opening a ticket

>loosing on purpose

what the fuck is wrong with Americans that they can't spell correctly?

>every player is allowed to play the way the prefer
>this also includes loosing on purpose

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Their support ticket crew is probably in India

>user in 2020 plays shitty team based multiplayer from blizzard with no team and cries that he is matched with retards
What the FUCK happened

lol yeah imagine playing video games how stupid

This, and Blizzard should have ignored that ticket.

Probably indian or south african nigger.

there are no bad overwatch players, only temporarily embarrassed nerd ballers

Americans don’t spell it “behaviour”, stay obsessed

>posting on a site with no rules of decorum.
>complain about a game to mistuh bwizzud.
>blizz says there's no rules of decorum.
????? Bro this is not the place.

>Opening a ticket because you lost a game
Dumb sperg

>people purposely shit up your fake and tank your rating
>no punishment
>people say a mean word that only triggers dumb American cattle
>banned for life

Only one of these two things ruins the game, and of course they punish the one that doesn't.

what are they supposed to do? sprinkle mmr on every retard that writes a ticket?
stop being a retard and get better teammates

Weird, being inactive is against the rules in Overwatch though, same shit.

>writing to blizzard to try and get your SR back
LMAO. I never imagined I'd ever defend blizzard, but for once they're not in the wrong. Why the fuck would they manually adjust the SR of a player who wrote them a ticket because they're butthurt over a loss? You don't climb ranks by writing complaints and asking for them

They have shit customer service.

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how about instead of being a little bitch, you get high enough rating to where you dont get matched with inting retards

>inting retards aren't letting me get a high rating
>just get a high rating to avoid them
Amazing advice

Don't blizzard ban you for playing the wrong character?

Ahahaha, I mean that customer service dude was actually pretty good considering most would just end the chat if you say fuck nowadays. And he did kind of help in the end.

complete fucking fake bullshit, Blizzard absolutely punishes people who throw

This was some sperg demanding the CS do something they physically could not do. Had nothing to do with the quality of the CS, and everything to do with a raging retard.

>>inting retards aren't letting me get a high rating

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Fucking ESL janny, eat shit.

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>no thanking you're janny

>thanks janny, now get your dick split, faggot ass nigga

>plays on a team with nothing but healsloots that play loose
>still loses
Noone but yourself to blame.

Why is Yas Forums so prone to sucking Blizzard's dick and defending all of its anti-player decisions?

Jokes aside, I can't literally tell if this thing is man trying to look like a woman or a woman trying to look like a man.

so according to blizzard, feeding in high mmr matches doesn't count as griefing.


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please understand blizzard is a small mom & pop company we only have the resources to pay our intern Rajeed in experience

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this is clown world shit

>Blizzard sucks cocks.
>OP sucks cocks.
>OP is here
>Blizzard is not
Not too hard to figure out why we give OP shit.