Cyberpunk will be kino and will sell millions of copies

cyberpunk will be kino and will sell millions of copies
feel free to seethe about this fact /vee/

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077.webm (750x750, 2.57M)

all games sell millions of copies

only popular games

>cyberpunk will be kino
Despite everything and the fact that every time I do this hope thing it turns out to be a mistake, I do hope so.
>will sell millions of copies
Well, yeah. It's by a known studio and has had a long, hyped development cycle.
>feel free to seethe about this fact /vee/
It's not a fact, it's a projection.

So yeah, that's all.

Imagine buying games


imagine not being poor

first post shit post

Someone post the new girl model.

I'm gonna be really disappointed if I cant prostitute myself.

Woah, a woman in her underwear, such deep and thought provoking concepts, makes me think...

You're not gonna see it anyway because all the cutscenes are first person now.

So from the lore (minimalist trend), apparently it's not abnormal to literally walk naked in the streets to show off your new "titty", "dick" and "booty" implants.

Has there been any comments on that? Are they going to be uber based or cuck themselves in their own setting?

>good game sells well

More news at 11.

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cope harder, tranny

Attached: 笑.jpg (1024x819, 55.74K)

it wont have great stories, but it will have lots of stories, and they will have something slightly edgy about them, that will be enough to make the game an automatic 10/10 for movie-game audiences, and also for journalists with a limited vocabulary in describing games, being constrained to terms a movie reviewer would have, albeit expanded by the authors countless consumption of SJW articles which they will pull from to expand their vocabulary to graduate from movie reviewer to video game reviewer. whilst relying on those cinema relate words to heap praise on the game. they will gloss over the fact combat will be generally shit, the open world needlessly limited, design opportunities for immersion will be missed in favor of yet more great narratives. 10/10 reviews, followed by a decade of movie-game drones cosplaying characters, and shit posting memes, until china releases sars3 and wipes out everyone.

People had no idea how good they had it with this V as the default female. Now look at her.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 default V.jpg (1080x1461, 147.45K)

>those fake tits bolted to her chest

Sidecuts are fucking hideous I can't wait for that fad to die off.

Only movies can be kino.
Story checks out.

yea but can i do a full human playthru and purge all cybernetic hedonists?

Didn't they file for bankruptcy just recently?

Wait is this fucking real?

Are they fucking pulling a mass effect on us...

Attached: 1575827259564.jpg (1080x1110, 139.86K)

>depressed alcoholic female trope


How is female depression even real hahaha just vaguepost on social media nigga hahahaha just make a tinder profile

>fake tits
homo detected

Attached: Big fake tits.jpg (1080x1349, 219.14K)

based orifice advantage poster

so is this going to be an RPG like fallout where you can make a character and play however you want or a GTA6 but with "cyberpunk" stickers on it?

The witcher series was an rpg obviously but it handed you a character to play, I thought this was going to be more like fallout.

>all the cutscenes are first person now.
Wait, really?

they made her ugly now

she doesnt look like that anymore, she now looks like a crack head nigger..

Sorry, did you post something?

dude look at her face, that's 100% undoubtedly a tranny

i'm not memeing, i'm not hating, the default model for "fem" V looks like a tranny

>Sorry, did you post something?

Attached: angry soy man.png (225x225, 8.25K)

big tits are great
but fake tits are shit, worse than small tits

Its going to be more like Deus Ex or Dishonored than those. You have room to roleplay and have many options to specialize in.

im almost positive hers are real

Attached: KlutzyAnimatedChrysomelid.webm (640x800, 1.28M)

you people act like there's only one kind of fake tits

but you are still handed a character to play

I thought the original cyberpunk was a tabletop where you could make whatever kind of character you wanted? Wasn't that originally what they were going to do?

>fake tits

Don't forget to recycle when you're done.

>tfw no cyberpunk gf

Stop posting tits.

No. They never specified what exactly the game was going to be, only that they wanted to be faithful to the tabletop. You play as V but can choose one of three backgrounds for them, change their appearance and build their skills.

Why should I cRe about what the default state is when I'm going to change it anyway? You fuckers are full of sonic the hedgehog tier autism.

Attached: 1587234446232.jpg (1080x1350, 142.84K)

>3 nose options
>3 eyes options
>5 skin tones
Have fun retard

sounds exactly like mass effect, right?

I'll probably buy it and play it once its on sale for $20 or wait for the version with all the DLC. Hopefully it doesn't suck but I like watching everyone seeth over it.

>fake tits
Retarded chronic masturbator detected.

>game has character creator
>it lets you change the musculature
what are some games besides the sims that let you do this?
because I do like playing as musclegirls...

Attached: chun-li.jpg (1080x1350, 121.6K)

I still don't understand why autists on Yas Forums seethe over Cyberpunk 2077
>ugh sweaty it's not REAL cyberpunk because it's not an eternal neon colored night with synthwave
Like what the fuck man
Imagine watching some Jules Verne adaptation and whining about the lack of tophats and monocles with gears everywhere

Attached: 1587488835364.jpg (2048x1397, 155.58K)

It's pretty much mass effect only with no active abilities

Getting kinda peeved that one of the bullet points isn't
"AI just wanna talk to other AI in space"

It'll be more then that you disingenious cunt, the game isn't even out yet and they've stated on multiple occasions that they plan to add more features. Get wrecked, better yet go back to making sonic retard hybrid you fucking short bus motherfucker.

Kek, they gonna use Denuvo, good luck.

What's wrong with their shoes

Most of the people complaining have never read Snow Crash. Their cyberpunk Inspo is dumb shit like Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shit and other trash anime.

>It'll be more then that
Oh sorry, 4 nose options and 4 eye options. Have fun "literally creating anything you want ever"