How mandatory is the card game in this?

How mandatory is the card game in this?

Attached: Final Fantasy VIII.png (900x471, 170.77K)

not necessary

I didn’t even play it once and I had a great time with the game, it’s not very difficult even if you don’t try to break the game. I just played normally

It's not. Playing it can trivialize the game anyway.

Also why is the teacher 18?

Wasn't it necessary or was that FF9?

Both systems make literally no sense, but when you understand them they're very fun.

Not mandatory at all, don't listen to fans

i never touched it once and still steamrolled the game

I didn’t play it in either game

you have to play it in ff9 for a tournament to progress in the game. but i didnt know wtf was happening and won the tournament anyway.

If you don't play it, the game is on the easy side but tolerable.
If you play it, the game is a complete joke of a broken game where you are a demigod by the five hour mark.

You never have to do it. Until right at the very end of the game when the last fucking npc at the end of the last fucking dungeon right before the final boss sequence walls you until you beat him in a card game.

It isn’t, but it’s the best part of the game.

I remember getting stuck there so I had to learn how it worked, it was fun. I didn't get past disc 1 though that game is boring as hell.

Attached: lqbait.jpg (200x200, 4.87K)

It is as mandatory as Blitzball is to FF10: The best part and not to be missed for any reason.



best card game, triple triad losers BTFO

It's optional but the only fun thing in the game.

Fuck i meant Tetra Master, god damn it

Not at all, but it's the easiest way to get Holy magic in the mid-game.

the random encounter rate in this game is fucking insane holy shit
i can see why people hated this. the setting isnt great either.

I hope you don't play Final Fantasy VI.

It is not mandatory.
The faggots saying playing it breaks the game are wrong because you actually need to turn the cards into shit; Something you can ignore if you want to.
Plus, triple triad is actually fun.

already beat it.

You don't have to play it at all, but it's one of the nine good things in the abysmal game, so I think you would be doing yourself a disservice.

Random-Open-Same-Plus without Direct is the secret best ruleset.

>tfw the card game in VIII is better then the game itself until retarded rules spread and kill your deck and strategy
VIII is so shit

Can you just spam GFs the whole game?

The encounter rate didn't bother you in that game?
You fight stronger enemies later in the game, so you'd run the risk of them getting KO'd. You can try that if you want to.

>The encounter rate didn't bother you in that game?
No because the fights are over in 20 seconds. In 8 it takes like 1 minute for a random battle to resolve.

if you don't play the card game then getting the ultimate weapons is gonna be a huge pain the ass.

Can you fucking zoomers stop making a dozen threads every fucking day asking for random shit before starting a game? Start the fucking game and see for yourself you nigger faggot.

Is gf death permanent or something

in FF8 you're not supposed to fight random encounters tho. You just steal some magic and run.

You get Diablos very early, just junction Enc-Half or Enc-None.