Tricks you into killing the only entities that can stop his plans

>tricks you into killing the only entities that can stop his plans

nothing personnel, kid.

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another plot weirdness, if he's so strong why didn't he just kill them himself?
why didn't he kill all of you?

who fucking knows. I'm out though. Remake's ending made FF7's already pretty convoluted story even more convoluted. I'm guessing how it's gonna go is Remake Aerith and Remake Sephiroth are gonna have a time travel/butterfly effect battle throughout the next 2/3/whatever Remake games.

>If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat. They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar. So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.

Why they decided to turn Sephiroth from The shark from Jaws into the terminator I have no idea. Both work fine for creating a villain but Sephiroth was made to be a shark, not a goddamn terminator stalking and showing up everywhere

I wonder if this time it'll be Jenova controlling sephirot instead of sephirot overpowering Jenova

yeah, Sephiroth got his mother's looks but he is Hojo Jr. through and through.

its amazing how ff7 build up to Sephiroth was so well done but the REMAKE just throw him at you right out of the gate, but then i remember this is a sequel made by SQUARE ENIX.

Why doesn't he just kill cloud?

>tfw he tricks Cloud into killing Aerith
>Cloud kills himself out of grief
>Aerith in the lifestream is too grief stricken too finish holy

Sephichad has it in the bag.

>if he's so strong why didn't he just kill them himself?
Sephiroth wasn't actually there. We have yet to see Sephiroth in remake.

It was always both.

Hojo was a handsome Chad in his younger days

>Tricks you into playing his "remake"
>Inserts a bunch of bullshit trope writing

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>bullshit trope writing
FFVII was always trope

>ff7 is convoluted

So is the story just going to continue with no character bringing up the fact they just saw a whole Midgar being destroyed only to then be perfectly fine like nothing ever happened?

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Sephiroth and Jenova's go to strategy is manipulation and subversion rather than direct conflict.

Case in point, every time Cloud and Sephiroth end up in a direct confrontation Sephiroth eats shit. Even Supernova, Sephiroth's signature limit break super move is an illusion meant to debilitate and psych out enemies, it can't outright kill anything.

It is convoluted. There's several different main plots. Some that don't get introduced until halfway through the game. It's not a straightforward story.

>actually, he's completely abandoned his original plight, doesn't care about Jenova or voring the planet to become a god AT ALL anymore, and is now ONLY obsessed and in gay homolove with Cloud because he was rekt by him in Niebelheim

nothing personal, fans

Aerith states that the whispers are unable to reach Sephiroth so I guess it's possible that it works both ways- they can't fuck with him, he can't fuck with them, at least not directly. This seems to be contradicted though when Sephiroth I guess absorbs the whispers after you defeat them? I don't know. Don't go looking for consistent themeing in a Nomura title

>Why they decided to turn Sephiroth from The shark from Jaws into the terminator I have no idea
Because literally everyone knows Sephiroth already. It'd be like trying to make a Star Wars movie on the premise that the audience doesn't know Darth Vader is Luke's father today. The times have changed, and so SE decided to include him menacingly taunting and stalking Cloud through his mind. You already knew who he was, and so does like 99% of all the other players, even if "Oh shit it's Sephiroth!" is the total summation of their knowledge.

Sephiroth was in the games manual. His description explicitly ties him to Cloud. I knew who he was when I was 11 years old and playing FF7 for the first time.

more to the point, imagine if the Midgar that the party has their DBZ battle with Seph was actually occurring in an alternate timeline! FF7 Remake has some very grim implications. Another one being that the Remake party actually went to a separate timeline when Aerith opened that portal, so the Marlene in the Remake timeline will never see Barret again.

We saw Sephiroth rejects and the time ghosts turning themselves into Sephiroth to prevent them from leaving town too early.
But not actually Sephiroth.

I wasn't tricked though. I want Sephiroth to succeed.

I watched Jaws for the first time a few years ago. I new for decades the general story line and even heard of some iconic scenes. It was still a phenomenal movie and the build up was very well done. The sequels are total trash.

For someone who's never played FF7, if the remakes had just gone for being faithful remakes and done Sephiroth exactly as he was in the original game people would still have a good reaction.

Nu Sephiroth is flanderized to an insane degree.

pay fucking attention nigger

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That's not Sephiroth absorbing whispers.
That's the Whispers taking Sephiroths form as to prevent you from continuing.
You can tell because the whispers were also the Meteor until the fled from it and became the wing on Sephiroth.

The thing is Remake isn't a remake I didn't say "the remake" for a reason
It's a subtitles on FFVII. It's a sequel and the subtitle Remake informs you of what this sequel is about.
As do all other subtitles on video games.
The game doesn't use remake's Noun definition like an actual remake such as SotC does.
It's using the Verb definition. To make something again but change it. instead of to make the exact same thing for a new audience with better graphics and such which was the noun definition.


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Why would the ghosts take the shape of their greatest enemy? The would be eating hotpockets if it wasn't for Sephiroth.