Why is FFX beloved and FFXIII hated when they have the exact same gameplay formula and flaws?
Why is FFX beloved and FFXIII hated when they have the exact same gameplay formula and flaws?
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Stop forcing this meme
both are shit no worth playing
Nothing in FFX is worse than the 20 hour corridor at the beginning of FFXIII. Don't say that's all FFX is. Don't make an ass of yourself.
>Don't say that's all FFX is.
>Don't say the truth
Everyone can see the difference, it’s not our fault if you don’t have the mental capacity to comprehend it.
Yes the difference is you played FFX when you were a kid.
Final Fantasy XIII is the best game in the series and anyone who doesn't think so is a homosexual
Didn't know 13 was also turn-based
Coherant story
none of that
Kilika Woods
Now go into full damage mode to try to downplay it.
The towns in FFX are so bad they make you wish they weren't in the game.
>the exact same gameplay formula
confirmed OP hasn't played either of those games. another shit thread.
Because X had a lot more going on with a lot more freedom despite being a mostly linear experience.
Also it helps tremendously that X isn't a gargantuan fuck up of incredible magnitude like XIII. XIII's story is a fucking train wreck of incoherence, contradiction, wasted assets and money being spent in all of the wrong places and they still thought it was smart sending it out as a finished product.
2009 - 2013 Square Enix should literally be ripped out of the history books for the company, it is almost five years of terrible dog shit products between the XIII trilogy and the first XIV launch which tanked the game. They damaged their own brand name through indecision and inadequacy and the consequences shown big time.
Well that’s a different argument. You see, your argument was that is was the same as FFXIII. Not that the towns in FFX were bad. This is what I meant by mental capacity, you are too stupid to even know what you are arguing about.
literal opinion
They're nothing alike. I love the stagger system in 13 though.
XIII came out eight years later.
XIII is actually the superior game in terms of gameplay. It's purely about the story.
Nice job moving the goalposts champ. What level of mental gymnastics are you on? I'd rather a game not have an element at all than do it horribly like FFX does. Shit side quests, shit town, cringe story. 13 even let's you have a break from the hallways towards the end with a nice sprawling comfy open area. I'm already hearing you furiously typing your keyboard thinking you can one up by trying to claim that pathetic boring soulless field in FFX with the coliseum is a worthy open area. It's a fucking joke.
>moving goal posts
Nice self projection. Now listen, this will be the last time I repeat myself.
Your argument was
>FFX is the same as FFXIII
>FFX is shit
We explained why it isn’t the same as FFXIII, and your response was to say those differences are shit. You see why you are retarded yet? I know this is difficult for people like you to understand. Reread my post a second time since you have trouble processing information.
FFX is linear as fuck too but at least the combat doesn't suck
Incel virgins hate final fantasy xiii because it isn't a playstation exclusive
Say what you want about FFXIII in general, but its combat is godtier. It shits all over the combat in FFX at the very least.
FFX is linear, but it has towns, dungeons and a really, really fucking grim atmosphere carrying it.
Also had minigames and group dynamics.
FFX is on switch and xbone
FFXIII has really great music, honestly some of my favorite music in the entire series. The gameplay is just okay and the world itself is less interesting than the titled entry before it (XII)
zoomer nostalgia and retards whose opinion on a final fantasy game literally depends on whether it says "squaresoft" or "square enix" on the box.
And PC more importantly.
ffx has literally braindead tier combat
The story and characters are so fucking grating.
The only thing the player does in FFXIII is switch the character classes around and mash auto attack. It's boring as fuck.
This. The stagger system was really fun.
>XIII's story is a fucking train wreck of incoherence
just like x's.
>literally just lying now
All 3D FF games before XV were incredibly linear.
The overworld makes you think it isn't but it's just smoke and mirrors. There's no functional difference between walking though a big field full of the same enemies to the one landmark you have to go to and doing the same in a narrow corridor.
but I played it when I was 12 so it's different...
The story and especially characters are shit, no one has problems with the gameplay
The problem is you do bare minimum brainthinking in combat for the first twenty hours, down a hallway, so it gets grating
Combat in XIII is mediocre at best. It was essentially a rough draft of a way to translate turn-based JRPG combat into a cinematic, semi-realtime system, and it absolutely does not hold up to later iterations. Compare it to FF7R combat and it looks like complete shit.
wtf are you talking about. Did you even played the game?
This still makes me fucking assmad. I played ff13 on the ps3 and enjoyed the hell out of it, got all achievments i naorund 95 hours, i didnt understant anything at all about the story but i enjoyed the characters. The gameplay to this day is my favorite battle system, still remember trying to find that cactus to get haste. And that super end boss you had to try a poison tactic to kill it all why trying to survive and use literally everything you had at your disposal. Kino.
I played ff10 years later AND ITS FUCKING MORE LINEAR. You have to be so fucking insane to like ff10 and dislike 13. 10 was also so dumb, you had to save at all possible times becuase you never knew when you got into a boss battle because you always want to have your ultimas maxed before you enter.. also the age old literally no buffs on any bosses work etc. I literally could not believe my eyes playing trough ff10 a year ago and remembering the insane hate 13 got while this game gets praised by everyone. Baffling.
The combat in XIII is a fucking mess. It blows my mind that people defend this shit. It gives the illusion of a hectic, dynamic fight but in reality you're still just waiting for your turn and selecting which flashy cutscene to play. At least FFX knows what it is and does its shit well.
Off the top of my head the only worse combat system I can think of is the fucking mess that is X-2
>elevator pop and generic orchestral jumble
Yeah great.
FFX is a complete, beautiful, fully realized story balancing calm moments, intense moments, comedy and tragedy, with interesting world-building and varied locations.
FFXIII is 20% of a story, the rest off it split into spin-offs and side materials, a bleak, monotonous tunnel where nothing makes much sense if you think about it, and then it ends.
But it is the same. Something as minor is tiny forgettable towns doesn't distinguish 10 from 13.
>Exact same gameplay formula and flaws
I can change my party make up pretty early in X where's I can't in XIII until 10 chapters in.
Because they don't?
>XIII is literal, LITERAL, hallways and the only open area is plagued from shitty "go there kill that" sidequests
>no towns to explore
>no proper NPCs
>level system is stupidly dragged by having to invest your CP while you can't choose or customize anything
X has nothing of those to that degree. And the sphere grid at least needs you to think before investing that previous ability sphere.
>The overworld makes you think it isn't but it's just smoke and mirrors.
Maybe some of the other 3D FFs, but FFX didn't even try. Even FFVIII tried a little bit.
This XIII may have one of my favorite combat systems in the entire series, and I'd go as far to say one of my favorites in JRPGs as a whole.
Shame about the fuckin rest though. Heard someone say LR was worth playing is that true? Or is it just Lightning dressup sim?
10 is also literal, LITERAL hallways
its better to have no towns tn shitty towns
I want someone to tell me how the characters in 13 are in any way likeable when only Sazh is the character that isn't offensive
*great at worst
Because FFX tells you, beforehand, you're going on a pilgrimage, which by definition is an extremely linear experience.
FFX is turn BASED, XIII is cringe
>XIII is literal, LITERAL, hallways
just like x.
>And the sphere grid at least needs you to think before investing that previous ability sphere.
that's a joke, right? the sphere grid is almost entirely linear. you very rarely ever have to make an actual decision. just because it's laid out as a messy flowchart doesn't mean it's complex.
Because main character is a woman and "gamers" don't like girl protagonists in video games.
No, not really. X had closure with consequence, Tidus fucking died because of the actions performed at the end of the day in X.
XIII waved off logic set in stone far earlier in the plot and still ran off on it's own retarded tangents whenever it wanted and told a terribly unfulfilling plot with extremely loathworthy irritating characters.
Literally the only two things XIII has on X is it looks good and has better voice work. You could argue the soundtrack is better as well, but i have my opinions on that, nonetheless XIII is an abysmal low for the franchise.
it just copy pasted from X
This fucking picture never fails to make me lose my shit.
FFLR is one of my favorite FFs but I hated FFXIII
It's fucked up, isn't it? As others have already said, it's mostly just down to people viewing FFX with nostalgia goggles since they first played it when they were kids.
But Snow is like such a Hero bro
>the sphere grid is almost entirely linear.
So you never used it or stuck to the "intended" paths?
The best part about the sphere grid is that you can do whatever you want.
>b-but the camera is more exciting!
wow what great criticism.
>X had closure with consequence
no it didn't. it had a wet fart ending where every important character is handwaved away as a magical dream summon, not a real person, all for the sake of an epic twist. even then, they still resurrected tidus anyway.
I don't have to read a fucking datalog to understand the story
I don't want to punch half the cast
There are actual side characters
I can actually revisit most areas if I want to
And that is why X is better.
I still enjoyed 10, i personally love linear games so i loved ff10. I still enjoyed 13 more because of the gameplay system. I also almost quit 10 at that blitzball minigame...
they are ovall 2 great games and i understand certain critique on 13 but the folks crying about the muh hallways really need to shut the fuck up you can go and loop up any longplay and google and it will be hallways upon hallways
>just like x.
Wrong. FFX has towns, branching pathways, areas to explore, dungeons. Etc.
4th time someone in this thread is telling you this. Why do you have such a difficult time processing information ?
elevator anything is always great music.