The Great Debate

Which entry, DS2 or DS3, is the best Soulsborne game? Snoyboys and DS1shitters are not welcome in this thread

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dark souls is for fags desu

Exactly, that’s why DS1fags are the worst fanbase in existence

i was talking about the entire francise

I can see that sage you nigger. You aren’t slick

There is no debate

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Actual ranking here.
Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Nioh>Sekiro>Bloodborne>Remnant from the Ashes>Dark Souls 2>The Surge 2> The Surge>Dark Souls 3


I do not own a PS4

Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3

>Snoyboys and DS1shitters are not welcome in this thread
>the two games that blow 2 and 3 out of the water aren't allowed
Lol ok

Uh hello, based department?

Scratch that, 3* games
So easy to forget precious Demon's Souls at times
I should really replay it again soon

Almost forgot to pretend DeS is good, huh?

DS3 is the epitome of soulless and can fuck off


Demon's is leagues above 2 and 3.

Not worth a run, the bosses suck and it's just too easy compared to the rest of the series.

the worst part about this is that OP is either baiting and will get replies or is genuinely braindamaged


Considering DS2 is the worst, that would be DS3, which is still nowhere near Bloodborne or DS

hard disagree

good joke

Demon's is the worst in every respect besides kino atmosphere in some levels, there's no way around how broken the mechanics are and how shit the bosses are.
1,2 and 3 still have 2K, 3K and 10K playing it, meanwhile when DeS was closed down it had under 100 users.

Nothing will ever be more based

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BB > DS2 = DS3 > DS1 > Sekiro > DeS

DS3 > DS2, no contest

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ds2 is the worst game there's nothing to debate


nostalgiafags BTFO
DeS is fucking shit

Pretty based.

BASED BASED BASED BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The opinion of people who started with any game after DS1 is irrelevant

No one gives a fuck about your clone games faggot. You ruined an otherwise good ranking with your shillery