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Shit it up with vidya

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I'd really rather not

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i haven't seen much vidya related from reading it, most of the posts are "i'm sad about high school :(" or "i burped and scratched my balls"
i'll be sure to shit it up with vidya quotes


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>Dear Website,
>the guy who makes the music for katawa shoujo deleted his account and it makes me sad
first vidya post i've seen

Uh what the fuck

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who's even played DMC2 this decade, switchfags?

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I got the HD Collection on PS4 around Christmas time

why so fucking many of these posts!?

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Tranny website appealing to redditors is gonna attract trannies. I know, shocking

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What the fuck i didn't know it was tranny site!

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my friend who was obstinate that if he played through them all in order that he'd find 2 not as bad as everyone says it is.
He proved himself wrong very quickly



Wa haw haw haw whaddya knee slappah!

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I think it autofilers anything that has a link, profanity, or personal contact info.
Because I haven't seen any with those things.

I've seen some twitch shilling. Not as to what specific filters might be in place.
I did spell nigger vertically though and someone saw it.

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Woww could you imagine?

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Yas Forums is gonna get upset when they see who it's run by lol

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I had my first kiss at 27. This little nigga ain't shit

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What the fuck

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Holy mother of BASED

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Are we thinking cringe or based?

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Fun idea, I sent it pic related

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've seen someone link their pay pal and it was clickable

>cub porn

is this furry speak for cp?

Hey that's my message!
I've been sending dumb shit like that out for the past 10 minutes to see if any of you guys'd find one

Good on you!

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so many of these posts are just sentimental garbage
ban normies from the internet

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I actually think so, but is it actual CP or like, children furries?
Christ once all accounts are settled furries need to be burned again like the old days

Should I?

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it just means 2D furry shota

its children furries

I posted the entire Dr breen concerned citizen letter but made it about quarantine and normies. That's my fucking effort and it was substandard but you'll be fucking happy for it.


That's a very strange list. Can't help thinking he just discovered anime.

redditors permanently have the taste of someone that just discovered anime

A bit of the ole Anguished Jew for old time sakes, I hope it will display properly

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Could be, but let's not dwell on such unpleasant topics.


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>made by a tranny

based shizo

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