Why do girl gamers love cross dressing cloud so much

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Because Cloud's a self-insert

I'm not a girl, but I'm into traps

>emotionally damaged doll boy with just a tad bit of muscle and ridiculous hair
Everything about the character appeals to females, why would they not want to dress him up?

there's nothing gay about being attracted to feminine looking men

They should have had hairstyling options and a schoolgirl outfit choice

I think the penis is cute

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>it’s okay when japan does it

westacuck devs think pretty traps are problematic because they pander to the male fantasy
and they’re right

Japan doesn't go

In fact Cloud is embarrassed having to do it and refuses to discuss it. I'm surprised trannies didn't get pissed off and create a Tweetstorm of Cloud being ashamed of having to crossdress.

It matches their headcanon about Cloud being trans or polysexual or whatever the fuck so their fanfics where Cloud and Sephiroth bang while Tifa and Aerith are lezzing out is TOTALLY BACKED BY CANON

It's based

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This is just a cute scenario, everything else aside.

Because sharing an emotional connection by revealing vulnerabilities is how women view attraction and relationships. Women love slowly opening men up to being honest about their feelings. It's part of the whole "taming the bad boy" trope.
Cloud's cross-dressing has the one-two punch of showing that Cloud is willing to put himself in an uncomfortable position for others, which, in a huge contest to his projected emotionally distant persona, shows that he *does* have a soft spot for those he cares about, AND has a sheen of sexual taboo, which is extremely hot just by itself.

The "hard men/soft emotions" + Sexual taboo combination is also why women like yaoi so much

It's not girl gamers it's trannies.

Why is Aerith so into it?

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Why do ugly men hate it so much?
Oh it's jealousy.

Tough bad boy let's himself become vulnerable for the sake of his friends is the reason why women eat this shit up

Being sexually confused is men like this shit

>There's nothing gay about liking other men

Haha that doesn't describe me or anything

Don't worry, I'm sure your personality is fucking awful even if you really do fit that description.

I'm not gay. I'm attracted to feminine features, what difference does it make if they are on a man or woman?

Yes it is and thats a good thing.
bi male

because final fantasy has always been fujo bait.

There's nothing gay about enjoying the female form, even if that form happens to have a dick. Attraction is about the entire body, not just the genetalia.
There IS something gay about wanting to have a female form specifically to be attractive to other men.

She's into Zack, Cloud is just a boytoy.

Girls love homos and cute things.

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I think it unconsciously validates their belief that they can be of equal value as men. Because if a man wants to be a woman. It shows that the man sees some value in the change. In a way it's a way of coping just as the shills.

Kinda because Japan just does it and doesn't give a fuck what happends then.
Just look at the interview from the developers of the game "Tell Me Why". According to them it's the first game with a trans character and in order to do it right, they talked with the LGBT community to get his personality down and people still bitched about it. Japan does the characters how they see them fit, while most western developers listen to the community with thousands of different opinons.
Rule number one is never listen to the community when it comes to characterization because they don't know what they are talking about and what they want

>there’s nothing gay about looking at a flat chested girl and wishing she was a crossdressing twink.