Getting ready to order the last two parts for my new gaming PC, wanted to ask you guys some last-minute questions...

Getting ready to order the last two parts for my new gaming PC, wanted to ask you guys some last-minute questions. Here's what I already have:

b450 Tomahawk MAX mb
EVGA SuperNOVA 80+ Gold 650W PSU
Nvidia 1660 Super GPU
my old 1Tb HDD hard drive, gonna replace it with an SSD later

And here's what I'm planning to get:
Ryzen 5 3600x processor
G.Skill 32Gb Ripjaws V Series DDR4 3200MHz

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Building a new PC months before new consoles release and reset the lowest common denominator


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Ryzen 3600 is pretty safe, there is nothing wrong with it.

Also, good luck getting consoles on launch with all this covid shit.

32GB is kind of overkill, but whatever. Just order the SSD now.

3600 is a fine CPU but you will be needing 8 cores in a few years, also building a PC during pandemic is going to cost you extra, parts have gone up slightly

>Shorts circuits and can't understand what I mean and thinks it's about buying a console
Devs will be targeting faster hardware than your new PC AS THEIR BASE LINE. Not to mention ray tracing. This is a stupid fucking time to build a PC. Wait till the gen after consoles.

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Two of the games I have, XCom 2 WOTC and Jurassic World Evolution, love to eat up memory, so I figured get as much as I can so there's some left for other functions.

The prices are actually lower than they were before the pandemic.

Get m.2 ssd and only 16gb of ram now. 32gb is nice but the ssd is much more important

16 is fine for now. In 6-8 years when you decide to upgrade your cpu and MB you'll be buying ddr5 or ddr6 whatever is available at that time. If you do video editing or make ram disks than yes get the extra ram now

>lil zoom don't remember xbone/PS4 launch
Multiplats optimized for new console hardware AS THEIR BASE LINE are years ahead.

3600x is just factory overclocked 3600. You can do that yourself in BIOS.
32GB of RAM is overkill, only useful of some very specific situation (like 4K video editing). Just get 2x8Gb 3600MHz
Get the SSD asap

Aren't m.2 ssds for laptops? I'm making a desktop.

Why not x470 or x570? b450 just seems like a bad purchase in the current year

I'm sorry but even being gold and all you're gonna need more than 650W sooner or later. Get 800 the least. Sooner or later you'l see yourself adding more drives, peripherals or upgrading your GPU. The 650W will be push to the limit and you'll have a really bad coil whine.



Is all the new stuff speculated to be available by September? That's when I was planning on doing a massive upgrade.

At the time I could afford it and it looked the best of the options available.

>Upgrading during a pandemic when things are undoubtedly going to rise in price/get delayed/be sold out

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No, m.2 is a low profile SSD that attaches to your motherboard rather than having a SSD that connects via SATA cable.

Nope, fits right into this slot

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I'm not a hardcore gamer, streamer, or anyhting else fancy, I just want a PC that can handle my games and let me multi-task games and internet browsing.

>Devs will be targeting faster hardware than your new PC AS THEIR BASE LINE.

Holy shit are you 10 years old? when has a console ever used its full performance in the first 2 years?? OPs PC will be fine and all he will need to do is upgrade his GPU in 1-2 years and he will be fine.

Worst case scenario he gets cucked on his 6 core and will need to replace it in what like 3-4 years??!??!

B450 won’t maximize the 3600. You either need to get a X570 or save some money and get a 2xxx series CPU.

i got a prebuilt and they didn't include the friggin m.2 screws

Definitely get an SSD, 250gb is enough really for operating system and a few games that require fast loading, install other games on your old HDD.

>still pretending intel is competitive or the most cost effective choice in currentyear

alright shill

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Everyone told me a 770 would last this whole gen and it didn't. Don't believe their lies OP

Oh wow, nice. I can move the games over to it and keep the HDD for storage and stuff. What particular m.2 brands do you recommend?

Pretty sure you don't need screws

sabrent rocket

you do, to hold it in place on the motherboard you can even see the hole for it in

>first in was crypto boom
>then it was RAM jews
>not it's a pandemic
Should I just give up at this point?

I guess will be ok then. Just watch for the OC's

I'm not going to overclock it, at least not to max or anything. I was told the fan for the 3600X works better than the vanilla 3600 plus a bit better performance.

OP I kept my 1 TB HDD and off loaded a lot of fuck huge games/singleplayer games/my library on it, while putting what I'm currently playing on a 500 GB SSD. Works fine, wish i got a 1 TB one, but honestly I would keep the old HDD if you can because games are getting fuck huge

By the time the pandemic is over the next/final ryzen CPUs will be out.

Wrong my dude. The tomahawk max can handle an oc'd 3700x

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WTF how did they make the cat do that?

Are you retarded? this gen is approaching 8 years you thought you could just run every game on ultra with 8 years of your stagnant GPU??

>1660 super

Either get the TI or don't get super. I remember doing my research on this and Forgetting the technical aspect on it The super isn't a good alternative to the Ti.

get a better GPU, less ram, and an ssd (it makes a huge difference)

Consoles will have laptop-like power configs for the CPUs, OC'd 3600 will be fine.

Samsung is generally the go-to brand for SSDs.

It's a good time to buy now CPUs arent going to get much faster till Intel goes to 10nm which is mid next year sometime earliest

GPUs will be 40% faster around Christmas time with ampere so yeah a good buy now would be a 5700 or a mid range rtx and upgrade the gpu next year with cpu

Or you could just wait and get a ps5 depends if you want to play PC games

I have the same motherboard and 3600X so far im impressed with it over my 4690k good luck

you what? A 450 is perfectly fine for the 3600(x)

3600x is a waste of money, just get a 3600.
That said, terrible time to build a PC considering prices and console releases.

>3600 is a fine CPU but you will be needing 8 cores in a few years,
yeah in about 6 to 10 years, the normal age of a computer

i was using phenon x3 720 up to last year and it worked just fine

Don't listen to this homo, he's wrong.

Would definitely recommend having 32 gb ram, being able to have 20 tabs open while playing resource-hogging games is very convenient.

>G.Skill 32Gb Ripjaws V Series DDR4 3200MHz
There is no reason to get 32gb ram.

I am conflicted. Would 500Gb be enough?

A year older AMD HD7870 actually would have held up (enough to run shit at console-like 1080p 30FPS), Nvidia just completely dumped Kepler drivers years ago.

You're wrong faggot. Fuck you for misleading OP

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I have almost the same package coming

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I have a 1tb sabrent rocket and I honestly feel 1tb feels so small with how bloated certain games get size wise. Up to you though.

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Hell no. I have a 1TB SSD and it's not enough.

Yes, Just put games + os + most used programs on your ssd and all your other shit on your HDD

it is if youre working with photoshop and other resource hoggers. If you're not utilising your pc to the fullest and only using it as an expensive console then sure 16gb is enough.

I personally use a ~250GB SSD for Windows and games I play a lot and a 1TB HDD for everything else. 500GB is fine.


250gb is enough. Install secondary games on an HDD.

reload OS onto m.2 drive and use mechanical as mass storage. since your nvme drive is mostly dram, you want it to have empty space. and be sure to buy nvme m.2 not a sata drive if you want to drastically improve load times.

>inteljeet can't stop shitting in the thread with his asshurt
Absolutely subhuman.

>when rtx 3060 will be 4 times faster and the same price
hhahahaha point and laugh at this retard

The real question is...
Tomahawk MAX or Gaming Pro Carbon AC?

It depends on your habits. If you keep all your games installed plus use torrents for movies/tv shows in won't be enough.
If you play one or two game at most and don't use torrents you should be fine.

Shut up nigger

>1660 , 1660TI, 1660Super, 1660 Super TI Max-Q

why is nvidia an autistic sperg?

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>dude just wait like a year for the new cards lmao

>play at 1080p, 60fps
>have a 1070, Ryzen 3600, B450 Tomahawk MAX, 16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
>only got the PC a few months back but already want to upgrade

as soon as I drop below 60fps I get pissed, I'm thinking of saying fuck it and swapping out the 1070 for a 2070 Super since I've got some money coming in anyway

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Paying 50+ more for a minuscule increase is stupid, go fuck yourself.

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max-q are laptop only

I'm not the biggest ASRock guy, but I do appreciate that their headers aren't in retarded places and no built-in RGB is a plus.
No idea how this is going to deal with 3600 overclocks.

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You should buy a 144hz monitor instead.

>Dude im retarded lmao
>dude buy 2 year old cards 2 months before new cards come out
>L M A O
kys nigger

if people actually heeded advice like this they would never be able to upgrade

I have
Nvidia 1660 Ti
Ryzen 5 2600
Asus TUF B450 plus gaming
16Gb RAM 3000MHz
and i've had no issue so far with my setup having a Corsair 550W PSU Plus bronze but your post got me worried a little bit. I didn't have the option to get more at the time but i guess it will be necessary to upgrade the PSU when i decide to get a new CPU/GPU.
Still, am i fine for the moment with a 550W?

Thanks, it's a bit of an overwhelming thing. Checked recommendations for best m.2 SSDs and saw this is rated the best, should I go for it?

Just bear with the 1070 until the 3000 series of gpus comes out. A super isn't worth it at this point.