>Game says an item is beneficial and restores health, in real life it actually unhealthy and can cause sickness...
Game says an item is beneficial and restores health, in real life it actually unhealthy and can cause sickness
>he's never stored a cooked chicken in his wall for a few days to add flavour
fucking philistine
I always thought it was weird when rotten food still gave you health in dead rising
>cigarettes literally kill you in real time
Based Kojima
It restores mental health/makes you feel good, since it's comfort food.
>game lets you combine healing items for greater effect
Simon pls
euros eat rotten food all the time yet they are doing fine healthwise.
Doesn't it make you lose health later and keep stopping to puke?
i'll never understand the problem with this
like what do you think is in your dipping sauces? not to mention the fact that its all going down the same way anyway
>improves shooting abilities
>can show in fared lasers
>damages you
>can make you easier to spot from cherry smoke and smell
Honestly MGS is the only game to truly get cigarettes right. Maybe add a random cough chance and it's perfect.
I dunk and combine food every chance I get, so this is fine. The real offense is that she got chicken tenders and a Pepsi.
Do you also drink ketchup and mayonnaise?
do americans really.........
What am I even looking at? Scrambled eggs? Fucking japs can't animate
Rice with several raw eggs in it.
Fermented food is not the same thing as rotten food.
You puke but you don't lose health.
i actually dip creamcrackers in cranberry juice myself
Blame the corn syrup killing their taste for anything that isn't sickly sweet I guess.
Why yes I do dip my tendies into my soda
Japan: oh boy raw egg and fish head casserole with bamboo my favorite!
weaboos: man i wish i was born in japan they have everything right
at least they don't eat literal vomit
Do Europeans really...
The heat of the rice cooks the egg, if your worried about salmonella then don't eat sunny side up because it's the same thing
every society has strange food
>eufag nations need special permission to put certain harmless ingredients in their food
What a joke of an empire
Actually tastes good with onions. Regular onions.
i tried it after watching silver spoon, lol. its totally average tasting.
I remember dipping my chicken nuggets into my mashed potatoes at school as a kid.
It's a non fucking issue because only american eggs have this problem to begin with
I have literally never ate a sunny side up egg. I always eat over easy/medium if I'm frying an egg.
That soda probably has less sugar in it than the sauce.