Sekiro: Shadows Dodge Twice

Is this game just parry to win? Just bought it, I’ve read about some of the more troublesome bosses and the only boss I’ve watched someone fight is Lady Butterfly. So far though it’s all about parrying so assuming I’m not a subhuman that’s can’t parry am I going to have a good time?

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Pretty much; the entire gameplay revolves around parrying to the point where the posture bar is the true HP bar.

Ya, it's a pretty lazy and shallow mechanic.
I got bored halfway through and went back to Nioh instead.

Eh if that’s the case then I think I’ll just refund it and spend my time elsewhere. I get it, it seems pretty cool with the shinobi theme and all but I’m not trying to play through 10-15 hours of this same bullshit.

>I couldn't get past Lady Butterfly so I dropped it and went to Nioh so I can continue pretending I'm a l33t gamer.


>Lazy and shallow

>Bitching about laziness and shallownes while playing Nioh

Niohfags need to be gassed; I'm so glad no one gives a shit about that series

Just play the fucking game, jesus. You even bought it already, what's stopping you from making your own opinion of it instead of having your tastes spoonfed by fucking Yas Forums of all places. Just shut up and play the game, you'll see by yourself if it's parry to win or not

So what say you guys then? Is it worth playing through to the end or should I play something else and read the story?

The question is if it’s worth the price tag or if I’ll be doing the same thing over and over for the duration, eat shit faggot.

The only way to answer that is to just start playing it. Decide for yourself.

I dropped it at the owl fight actually.
Nioh's combat is far superior and despite having too many of the same regular enemies it still has fun bosses and sub bosses to fight.
>I'm so glad no one gives a shit about that series
What are you talking about? There's daily, comfy threads on Yas Forums.
Why does that game trigger fromsoft fags like you anyway?

>I’ll be doing the same thing over and over for the duration
Pretty much. Avoid.
At least pirate it if you want go give it a go.

All the bosses have at least one massive weakness to at least one tool. Butterfly falls when hit in the air with the shuriken for example.
Most bosses are beaten by fireworks > single/double ichimonji or just springloaded axe if you're going for a health kill

Parrying is pretty much all you need to do for most enemies except monster types like the ogre, when you need to be a bit aggressive.

Honestly I can't tell you because I don't know your tastes. I like the Souls games and action games like Devil May Cry and still never finished Sekiro because I didn't like the "parry is the offense" concept, but most Souls fans liked Sekiro.
It's up to you. The only thing I can tell you is don't expect a vastly different game if you replay it because there is only one weapon and one or two optimal strategies to deal with bosses.

From Software fans are mentally ill and live inside a mental bubble where only Soulborne exists. Pic related.

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Yes, parrying is as important as attacking. It's a core mechanic, so it would be as redundant to play a platformer and say "what the fuck, this game is jump to win". If you want diversity, there is that in the form of tools, items, technique scrolls that essentially give you different movesets, and of course there's massive diversity in the world itself

I'll say that parrying is way, way more important than attacking. In fact attacking is only useful to bait parryable attacks.

It was hilarious to see this game fuck with seasoned Souls players

Man you must have had a terrible time with the game if you killed enemies exclusively through the exhaust parry bar, instead of tearing through regular mobs by attacking

>get samurai game with badass samurai sword
>every encounter is some gayfaggot parryfest
I just wanted to slice and dice mayne instead of wittling down a stamina bar to get in 1 death blow.

>get samurai game with badass samurai sword
But it's a shinobi game.

Yes. For most bosses atleast. A majority of bosses especially humanoid ones and mini bosses will flip around even if you're behind them after 1 hit to block/swing with poise if swinging. Combined with how little damage a single hit from your sword does and even some tools this means posture damage is everything.

Now posture damage does increase with lowering their life bar. But in most cases you will maybe knock a life bar down 1/3rd of the way 1/2 at most if you're playing right and then their posture breaks. Its annoying system because some animations when they go to block don't seem like they would be able to and the player should be able to score a few more hits against alot of enemies in different spacings/from behind. If you cannot parry an entire moveset don't be afraid to turtle and block.

Quite the opposite: I killed everything, regular enemies and bosses except the final boss (where I dropped the game), by depleting their health bar, only using the parry as a defensive maneuver (what dodging does on other action games, Souls or otherwise).
Every boss battle took an eternity and given the way the fights were designed, the game was clearly designed with parry as your attack and the regular attack may as well be a subweapon.

You can. It's just extremely tedious.

Ya whatever, you're some jap dude larping with a katana.


Nioh is bloated with mechanics, weapons, stances, and it's piss easy to figure out an OP build and breeze through the entire game. It took me 1 hour to find out that high stance Kusarigama is all I needed, and then just get the spell to slow enemies down to remove any illusion of difficulty in the game.

>Oh look, a demon. I'm at this range, so wait for the whiff and spam some fast attack, stagger him, and spam some more dead rinse repeat
>Oh look, a boss, apply slow effect to them, spam while they wind up an attack for 2 years, spam while they recover from whiffing, spam while they are walking around passively like an idiot

I got so bored when I reached the level with the gasha-dokuro boss, that I turned on invincibility through cheat engine and rushed through the remainder of the game, just to get the story.

And who doesn't like to play side-mission like
>here's the mission you just played but just do it backwards and kill this guy at the beginning ok have fun

>couldn't git gud
>spammed sloth throughout the entire game like a scrub
>complain it's boring
That's your own fault for being a shitter.
>Nioh is bloated with mechanics, weapons, stances
Sounds like your puny brain was just so overwhelmed with options you never bothered to figure anything out, because trying so would probably cause too much strain and pop an artery in your head.

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The thing that gets me is that From's games' combat can be oversimplified the same way
>Oh look, a boss, I'll just roll with my rolls full of i-frames until it makes a punishable attack, then I'll hit with R1.
>Oh look, a boss, I'll just press L1 until the deathblow marker appears.

is this bait or you retarded actually?

It's quite ironic really because this only applies to Sekiro and Souls.
Nioh gives you dozens of different options to take out enemies.

>That's your own fault for being a shitter.
No it's literally the game's fault for being designed that way. It's not my fault I easily figured out what makes the game hard, and remove it with tools that the game teaches me to use. I like Bloodborne over Dark Souls, because it removes a ton of unnecessary bloat to refine the core gameplay, something which Nioh didn't do.

>Oh so you're standing on some inclining or declining surface? Well better not use any horizontal long attack because we didn't figure out how to make our animations align whatever you're standing on lol sorry we're just not as competent at this as FROM is

No one is actually incapable of grasping all the bloat in the game, 90% it's just painfully useless, and if I have to pretend to be a dumbfuck to make the game "more interesting and challenging", the developers have failed at making well designed game.

Less is more. You'd do well to learn that. That's why Sekiro can win awards, and Nioh can't.

Eh, I played Nioh like a Souls game (besides combining blocking and dodging depending of the situation and ki pulsing / stance switching extensively) given how the Odachi is pretty much a Souls greatsword and had no trouble with it.
There is a lot of options but you don't need to use them. That said, I found Nioh fun as fuck; I personally liked it as much as the Souls games, maybe even more on some aspects.

Yeah, it's a rhythm game with extra steps. Still an enjoyable experience though.

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After finishing Sekiro should I give Nioh a chance?
It looks very charming, but also much harder since there's way too much shit happening at the same time and little of it is telegraphed or even slow enough to give you a reaction time.

They ever fix the shitty broken dodge roll? It had like no fucking invincibility frames.

>the game should tell me what weapons and skills to use! Not me!
Just because the game gives you the option doesn't mean you have to use it.
You chose to spam sloth and 1 attack because you couldn't git gud despite having so many different options. Admit it user, it's OK.
>That's why Sekiro can win awards, and Nioh can't
Sekiro wins awards because it appeals to the lowest common denominator, just like every other braindead game that wins awards.

I've played Dark Souls as a pure caster. A pure caster is powerful enough to tears the game apart (even the Duke's archives if you carry pyromancies with you) and you don't need to do anything besides equipping as many soul arrows as possible and raise INT / attunement.
Does that make 90% of Dark Souls useless?
I've made played Nioh with two different builds, one that used katana + axe and other that used the odachi. No spells, no sloth, no elemental infusions, nothing and I managed to prevail up to Way of the Wise and only found about Sloth when I checked the internet and found that people used it as crutch.
I'm 100% sure you couldn't get good at Nioh and just googled how to cheese the game.

>That's why Sekiro can win awards, and Nioh can't
Awards are hardly representative of a game's quality. Pic very related.

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