What do you find more satisfying to use in shooters, guns modeled after real ones or made up/scifi stuff?
For me, I find it cool to use some real weapons that I'd like to shoot or own, but more often than not I have far more fun with made up guns. They can make them do fire anything, from rockets to lightning, so they tend to be more mechanically interesting.
What do you find more satisfying to use in shooters, guns modeled after real ones or made up/scifi stuff?
I prefer real deal stuff most of the time, but it really depends on the game, its setting and style.
MGS5 for example was a disappointment after the 3 decades of the series providing /k/ommando porn.
It really doesn't matter which you use, as long as you do it RIGHT.
But for the most part, I prefer real guns, because it is hard to fuck that up unless you try or have under 0% understanding of firearms or fine mechanics or anything that has to do with design.
That's why you end up with shit like Black Ops 3/4's guns. That shit made me genuinely fucking laugh as I scrolled down the list of absolutely comically badly designed guns. Seriously, look that shit up. You'll laugh even if you don't care that much about guns.
I like using both OP. One of my favorite huns to use is the Revolver in Metro because of how satisfying it feels to fire it off.
I think half life 1 did it best where you start out with normal real weapons and then as the game progresses you find crazy sci-fi stuff.
Even some weeb-shit creators put more effort into their gun related material than a number of westerners, and that island nation's a literal no-guns hell.
That's the Doom formula.
You start with human cartridge based ones and later you get access to sci-fi stuff. Half-Life's where more interesting mechanically, though.
I'd say neither. I'm more concerned with how the game as a whole comes together. If you have a game that sucks to play but they've done a really good job on the weapon design I do see that as a shame and kind of a waste of effort, but nice firearm design or mechanics can't compel me to play an otherwise shitty game, like receiver 2 for example. Nor can poorly designed guns drive me away from a game, for instance I absolutely hate that every rifle and the sub machine gun in the original F.E.A.R are all burst fire and cannot be set to single-fire, but I still love the game for the AI behavior and the claustrophobic firefights.
Apparently all the firearms from ghost in the shell were designed at autistic length, to the point you could actually manufacture them in the real world if you really wanted, they even went as far as to specify spring compression and shit. So I hear, anyway.
Realistic ones
Does anyone know of any game besides Insurgency: Sandstorm where changing the selector actually moves it on the model
Made up weapons can still shoot bullets
when they are realistic I like when they try to represent the actual role of the weapons and have the more unique aspects of it present, it gives the weapon a bit more identity.
Japan has some kind of significant airsoft/gun enthusiast community apparently.
>used to love or atleast not mind this shit when I was younger
>can't fucking stand it now that I am older
Personal preference is real guns but satisfaction's really more about anything else but the model I think. I realised even bullet sponge enemies can be satisfying to shoot at playing Destiny 2. Not sure what the formula to making satisfying gunplay is really.
I definitely like when games gradually build up the weapon arsenal. Half-Life did it the best.
>playing Destiny 2
jesus fucking christ you had to pick literally the most unsatisfying bullet sponge game in the world
>no feedback when shooting
>no blood
>its fucking designed for kids like fortnite
>being made by halo developers did it no favors
>Apparently all the firearms from Ghost in the shell were designed at autistic length,
Majority of them are either literally based on real life guns (ie. the Mateba revolver and the Mac), or derived from them.
If you want to see some REAL Japanese gun-autism, look no further than the Gunsmith Cats.
Apparently the Mangaka spent quite some time in the USA and at shooting range, so he learned some HC shit.
Can't beat a good M1 Garand
>They can make them do fire anything
>I wike guns
every singe hl2 gun is retarded in its own way
A man of culture!
I love how they literally made the Scout's sniper rifle a dwarfen scifi-Garand in the Deep Rock Galactic.
I'm fine with either-or since my grasp on guns is only basic at best, but I do like it when games try to make up their own gun designs so I can listen to /k/ommandos talk about why and why not the design works
I also like it when the guns are straight up cartoony and try to pass off as legitimate designs in some way, for the same reason as above
this shit hurts my head
looks incredibly stupid
triggered brainlet
It's fun!
>make gun that goes PING! In early 20th century
>100 years of irl gun smithing and limitless video game potential still haven't outdone the PING
Literally why use anything other than a Garand
Because you don't actually need more than .30 carbine
>the Mangaka
the what now
Google it, nufag.
>calls me a newfag
>says nufag
please go and stay go
I thought from the thumbnail your picture was bashar al assad
>posts literal movie game pictures
No u, cancer-gen.