Oh yeah, that happened

Oh yeah, that happened

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who cares? Crusader Kings 3 is going to be shit regardless

how come

conservatards truly are the real snowflakes. another absolutely embarrassing moment from the goobers.

Why would you swing a sword like that and leave yourself so exposed, revolting form


Paradox is focusing on rpg elements in the wrong way, implementing what are essentially focus trees instead of expanding the sandbox nature of the game. The map also seems to have a reduction in counties if the screenshots of Ireland are anything to go by and the Eastern Roman Empire won't even be playable at launch. Not to mention the dumbing down of game mechanics to 'appeal to a wider audience' like removing most bishops in favour of one realm bishop and the naming scheme of succession laws.

Literally the only time the term was used was when a crusade started, same with other famous religious battle cries, which is what the dev was trying to imply. The journo just asked the question in a retarded way and the dev didn't really understand it, not to mention that the actual question and the way it's worded in the article were different, adding more confusion and outrage

It's paradox


Except it was removed

>The map also seems to have a reduction in counties
The Baronies and Churches and Town holdings are all on the map as separate locations so even though the county list may be lower (I don't think it is) the number of 'provinces' will be higher

>upcoming baby-murdering simulation game

>the Eastern Roman Empire won't even be playable at launch
Source on that? I thought the entire map would be playable at launch this time.

yeah, separate locations, but they can never separate from their parent counties, so in effect, still less individual provinces.

I believe there still are more provinces though. They advertised it I believe

>No ERE at launch
And for CK4, crusades will be dlc?!?

Modern white people are so pathetic

Well you couldn't play Muslims in CK2 at launch or pagans

Compare then to modern black people

Is white chocolate twix nice??

iirc Paradox said that they didn't want the ERE to have a reskin of the feudal system, thus no mention of imperial government in the government dev diary. it's going to most likely be a DLC nation.


Better than milk chocolate twix but at the end of the day it's still just an overpriced snack you could make yourself in far larger quantities and cheaper

>milk chocolate

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kek christcucks

>Paradox removed the "all white skin" mod for Stellaris
>The "Turn Albanians into fuel" mod is still around

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Every location and religion is playable on launch, they just might not have specific mechanics ala EU4

cuck kings 3 looks like a mobile game

>paying attention to anything made by nu-paradox
You get what you deserve.

Just as bad for different reasons

A good game?

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White chocolate is only good by itself. I find all the white chocolate versions of snackbars inferior.

Children can become bisexual.