Is it good?
Is it good?
its kino
don't listen to the fags hating
Ok, actual unironic faggot.
Also, OP, this shit is just a mobile game. Go get an apk if it really interests you. For some reason it was compared to Paper Mario... Not even close.
the mobile game is Attack The Light
this is Save The Light
yes. the only good things from the franchise
>tranny cuckiverse
It is decent at most. It is super easy since it was a mobile game.
I have literally never seen a fan of this show that wasn't a fat woman or a tranny.
Unironically yes, if you can stomach gay space rocks. Its essentially Paper Mario.
I'll actually just give ya a straight up answer. It's okay. It isn't one of the top games you can get on the switch, but it's better than regular show/movie based shovelware.
It's an okay game. God I miss my wife.
faggot game, for faggot people
The writing and story leaves a lot to be desired, but it unironically might be my favorite turn based combat system ever
not an argument, groomer.
It's shit buuuuut... I want to fuck amethyst.
That's because I'm not arguing with you
blue pearl is the fucking cutest
You're thinking Attack the Light
huh, the reception seems better than expected, i guess im going to get it too
>first game is for phones
>second game is for consoles
>third game is for phones again
makes me not want to bother. i'd give it a chance if they released all three games on PC or console.
garbage taste, you're perfect for each other.
peridot a best
Am I alone in thinking Pearl's outfits got steadily worse as the series progressed?
a SECOND best, you green midget
It's just a phone game ported to handheld.
Not Save the Light. Its the middle game in the series and a proper console game. It doesn't have the mobile combat of the other games, it legitimately plays like Paper Mario.
Pink diamond is my waifu
>literally did everything wrong and got away with it
Show ended a month ago, go back to tumblr already