You may not like it, but this is what peak Resident Evil looks like

You may not like it, but this is what peak Resident Evil looks like

Attached: RE_ENGINE_Logo_png_jpgcopy.jpg (1800x1925, 365.62K)

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its very well optimised too

gotta hand it to them, they sure made a unique logo.

Yeah it's unironically instantly recognizable

Where is the Resident Evil 1 reimagining, lads

Unironically my favorite game engine of the modern era. It's well optimized and only has a few minor bugs like the striped shadows on anything under max shadows.

Its really good but they gotta stop using real people for mocaps, that shit looks terrible


Attached: 20200421_144800.jpg (1442x1052, 671.27K)

Hair looks kinda strange but everything else is great.

that engine is really great, can't dispute it

great engine, too bad they can't make good games with it though.

I'm surprised how many people are agreeing with me. It's so rare to see a unanimous consensus on shit around here

Attached: coffee-zone-34133296.png (500x440, 81.23K)

The engine is fucking good.

Except for Bloody Palace and the Void in DMC5. Stop stuttering every time you load one extra polygon you fucking cunt.

Good engine. Shame it's wasted on shit games.

it's because the nude mods complement the engine very good

I think RE5 & 6 were the perfect look for RE, now it's just bland looking actors and models.

So are these crapcom faggots building DD2 in RE Engine?

You can't be serious 5 is one of the ugliest games from the last gen
And Chris looks terrible with his steroid gorilla arms and retarded face

Attached: re5.jpg (922x519, 263.41K)

that's because there's a recent influx of new underage people.
it was made for Resident Evil 7 to rip off PT and the FOX engine. that's why it looks like shit in comparison, and all games that use it are shit with no gameplay or good looking combat.

>all games that use it are shit with no gameplay or good looking combat
Have a (you) retarded boomer

Not him but you need to get your eyes checked. It still looks great for a game released in 2009

amazing how only capcom can make a quality engine compared to all other devs from japan
mt framework and now re engine, both are great

Mentioning of the fox engine only brings pain.

>it was made for Resident Evil 7 to rip off PT and the FOX engine

But it's best with RE2/3

Not him but that looks like shit.
There were far better looking games released in 2009.

It looked ugly because of the fucking piss and dirt filter

Konami might as well rename it the PES Engine

can't wait for the REmake remake to finally make it good

i'll throw DmC2 a bone because it isn't as bad as the recent Resident Evil shit, but it's still DmC2.

just remove the filter

wow this looks super weird. it looks fucking worse though

it needs a bit of color correction but it's better than the breaking bad mexico filter

it really isn't, you're insane or going blind.

DmC2 would be worth playing only for the artstyle if they follow the first one

What were they thinking??

Attached: 1458277059312.jpg (1920x1080, 81.35K)


>how do we make kino?

They already had the CGI movies user

>we want the Michael Bay audience