Was it autism?

Was it autism?

Attached: Naoki_Kashima_render.png (878x1580, 639.97K)

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You can't just guess from his fashion sense alone?

Was it autism?

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To be a successful demon in SMT you have to be autistic.

Is there a correlation between the quality of smt game and the protag's age? because Nanashi fucking suck and so is his game.

Demi-Fiend is LITERALLY me

of course you are since you love getting used and bang by a old men and all your friends left you.

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If he's getting banged by Luis that means he killed all his friends.

you did play maniax chronicle right?

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>implying you wouldn't go on an awesome adventure to punch god with demon bros if Lucifer gave you a worm with demonic powers and cool tats


Why the neck horn, though

What did the TDE entail really? If he got to actually punch axiom then what? I honestly really want nocturne 2 just for this question.

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>cut off skinny jeans
Who the fuck ok-d this??

I remembered the interview said that it's a organ specially for understanding demon language. That's why he didn't need Stephen's program and just summons demons like a shaman.

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>not just overpowering her with the demon dick and running a train on her with jack frost and the rest of your party
demi-fiend is a simp

Of course.

It's the tail of the magatama

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Unironically hd remaster when

Pretty sure there's a few scenes where demons are talking to his 'friends', namely Thor and co talking to the fucking loser who sits by himself, and a scene or two with the journalist

Probably never. It's too removed from the currently popular Persona formula that even made it's way into the core SMT series.

great will =/= axiom
True Demon ending and Demon ending are really the same thing, TDE is just an enhanced version, the goal was to destroy the world and leave it as a kingdom for demons

Demons know human language at least some races do. Most demons don't even understand each other and it's even show in the game mechanics where you need a proper magatama to talk to some demon races.

Putting a higher being over YHWH cheapened the whole SMT narrative.

>want to dick the girl with the most retard reason when you have pixie
he did the right thing by ditching her, at least the hat guy admit he's a hypocrite.

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>great will =/= axiom
That can't be true. The terms are used pretty synonymously.

The Nocturne Experience
>AOE spell
>AOE spell
>AOE spell
>AOE spell
"Death comes to humans and demons alike"
Honestly I'm just annoyed how autoattacks miss 1 in 4 hits.

Sorry for that but the power level of the ultimate being like YHWH, great will or axiom really confused me. So they are actually the same or part of the other?

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Use buffs, retard
Also, Agi is an important stat. Wurld of Str doesn't mean ONLY Str

Then why are there demon races like Foul who don't understand what he says?

They aren't, 4A is the only one that says Axiom. There's a reason they didn't just say great will in 4A, in japanese the names are different too

>the goal was to destroy the world and leave it as a kingdom for demons
TDE takes it a step further though. DE Demi-fiend is too much of a pussy, that's the point of the ending.

If they are going to remaster or remake nocturne, the one thing I want them to change is the random encounter and maybe refine AI a bit.
>inb4 lol casual
Look I'm sure the reason most of you die isn't unpreparedness but bullshit RNG. sometimes enemies are braindead but the other time they is bullshit like

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