Why do modern "men" proudly play baby games these days?
Why do modern "men" proudly play baby games these days?
toxic masculinity
emotionally stunted grown men that grew up with anime
Manchildren have always existed, that's nothing new.
I tried it on my gf's switch and I have to ask: where's the fucking gameplay? you don't even get to fish on your own, you just press the button when the fish bites and an animation plays, at least give me a fucking minigame
you just jog around collecting shit while building tools that break 24/7
>Why do modern "men" concern themselves with what other men do in their spare time
life fucking sucks and drugs are too hard to get
Go out and ask any man if he plays Animal Crossing. Maybe he'll tell you his kids play. People you see on here/twitter/reddit are not really normal. They're highly emitional / weak / with mental illnesses
Modern men no longer care what women think because their standards are absurdly high anyway
Damn that’s hot
Could be better with heart eyes though
Why do YOU care asshole?
thats a commercial
how many chads do you know who have even heard of parappa the rapper?
Fishing and bug catching is the most gameplay this series has. It's just a fairytale animal town simulator for kids to play around in.
oohh big strong manly-man too scared to play something cute
what a fag
bet you kiss girls fag
Damn that’s hot
Could be better with a black guy though
Two reasons:
1. They're based
2. They're redpilled
>why do you care about society!!!
sorry i want my kids to grow up around normal people not developmentally stunted manchildren
then why do you still have them?
>my kids
How old are they?
still have what?
i'm waiting till marriage for kids
Don't have kids stupid, we're like 5 years away from societal collapse. The last thing you should be worrying about is your kids growing up around basedboy cucks, they're going to be living out of a hole in the ground eating dirt.
tons of kids games have actual gameplay, I'm wondering where the budget went and why it costs $60
>societal collapse meme
the US is nowhere near a fucking societal collapse
the oil price drop was because of expired futures, i don't expect manchildren to understand economics
I bet you're also against the color pink and smelling nice too, because you're an insecure faggot
>worrying about muh kids even though you don't have any
Damn and I thought I had paranoia
What does an oil price drop have to do with societal collapse? Fuck the middle east.
Why do Yas Forums shitpost instead of discussing about video games?
ever heard of the petrodollar faggot? read a fucking book for once
and we need the middle east, if you don't understand the importance of saudi and israel to american politics you're fucking ignorant
what game do you play proudly user?
>if you don't understand the importance of saudi and israel
Bad news bud but you and your boyfriend can't even have kids biologically.
because it's comforting to have some semblance of niceness in life.
Men are not allowed a submissive wife and a bunch of children they can teach to hate degeneracy, so they try to replace it with something artificially created to comfort.
It's like a drug, like most of these "comfy" games.
One could ask: Since feminists and jews hate white men, why would they allow some moments of comfort, even in the form of a dumb game then?
Well, the answer is that when white men's rage spill over, shit hits the fan
>caring about the future
>the only present threat to the standard of living of future generations is the beta basedboy cuck that plays animal crossing.
Pick one stupid
whatever my virtual youtuber wife plays at the moment
>because it's comforting to have some semblance of niceness in life.
>Men are not allowed a submissive wife and a bunch of children they can teach to hate degeneracy, so they try to replace it with something artificially created to comfort.
>It's like a drug, like most of these "comfy" games.
>One could ask: Since feminists and jews hate white men, why would they allow some moments of comfort, even in the form of a dumb game then?
>Well, the answer is that when white men's rage spill over, shit hits the fan
who are you quoting?
So why do Nintendo fans call Sony games movies if this is what passes for gameplay on Switch?
Whoa dude go have some sex already
Even if you don't like the gameplay available, AC never actually wrests control from you so you can watch your character do something epic like a lot of Sony games do.
Looks like you're mistaking me for an animal cross player.
>Even if you don't like the gameplay available
There is pretty much no gameplay. Even shit like TLoU has more gameplay.
You're right because nothing interesting ever happens in the "game". They only take control from your tedious repetitive dialogues and dull overly long load screen cinematics
It doesn't have gameplay. It's "The Sims" but for children.
>I want my kids to be insecure like me
>adults should only be allowed to play games with gratuitous amounts of blood, gore and swearing, and no colors other than brown and grey
manchildren play, not men
our women are embarassed so they're forced to get blacked to feel real men
Yes, that's why you have kids in the first place, so you can turn them into more yous.
There's a lot of stuff between games full of gore and fucking animal crossing.
Something like Subnautica would be the animal crossing for adult men.