You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist redditor to understand why this game is so popular. These people have never heard of strategy games in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Civilization 5, they were completely alien to them. And they can't enjoy these games because they consider them boring. They want a game that isn't necessarily smart or deep or immersive, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good games or good strategy, nor have they ever picked a book about history. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. EU4 is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love history". The entire foundation of the game is built upon the dichotomy between "silly events and fun stuff" and "this is actually historical and realistic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "this game is alt-history but can still be interesting and challenging" bullshit that EU4 shits out in almost every campaign is what appeals to it's audience. The game doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any historical event, so it spouts these random rng events. Nevermind the embarrassing, forced "references", or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the devs want to remind you that this is historical strategy, or how the entire game is a series of different forgettable campaigns with just enough incompatible historical references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for acknowledging them, or how the nations have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious stereotypes than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Europa Universalis 4.
Unfunny pasta
but accurate
What's good about Vicky 2?
Where to even start... The economy is incredibly deep and complex, compare it to a piece of shit like EU4 where all you do is build a "manufacury" in a province, Victoria 2 has thousands of possible factory combinations withing certain States and their effectiveness depends on strategically pickig them one by one but also on the RGOs the provinces hold and the POPs that live there, something EU4 lacks. I could go on but since you asked such a stupid question I don't feel like it's worth my time.
It's historically accurate
Grand strategy games are all boring map painters with a "meta" way to play that make the game a cakewalk
Prove me wrong
Shut it Varg
All the proof I need
Explain in detail gow that's not as boring and shitty as all grand strategy
I already did Last paragraph applies
How does combat work in that game?
In Victoria 2? Much better then in EU4.
There are a multitude of units to choose from all with special requirements, if you're an uncivilised nation you can only create irregulars and the shittiest cavalry, but once you westernised (a feature missing from eu4) you can start creating better units, there are several varieties and they each have requirements, like guards can only be recruited from accepted or primary POPs. Some highlights are engineers which reduce time to capture forts and scouts who increase movement speed. There is artyllery which will do most of the killing in he back rows, you can also mobilise and conscript your POPs into the army even if they're not military one's such as farmers or craftsmen, later in the game you acquire the ability to create tank and airplanes but you need a lot of metal which goes back to the economy aspect.
There is also a dig-in penalty for attackers depending on how long an army is standing on a province encouraging defensive play and you can recruit from nigger colonies to conserve worthwhile (white) manpower
Better than in eu4 and imperator
You can do shit besides war to expand your power, like building liqour factories.
How do you build factories?
>Literally every playthrough
You press build what a dumb question
So is it based off of pops or what?
Pops work in them
Capitalist pops build them fr you
me too!
Its the best game until you just get tired of it, EU4 and CK2 at least are way more replayable.
>that Germany
what could have been...
Except eu4 has no replayablity where as Victoria 2 has endless
Very few things in EU4 are scripted, even in MEIOU.
The only thing that can vary wildly in a Vicky 2 playthrough are crises.
>what is player agency
Player agency aka blobbing? At least EU4 has anti-blobbing mechanics like overextension and whatnot.
You CANNOT WC in Victoria 2, and you can do much more than blob such as install puppets, sphere, hurt your enemy economy....