Fall for emulator meme

>fall for emulator meme
>download rpcs3 and Demon's Souls
>runs at 25-28fps with constant horrible stuttering making it unplayable
>sound is fucked
>destroying boxes/barrels/etc. drops fps to 2
Thanks Yas Forums

Attached: rpcs3.png (538x400, 39K)

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Your cpu is garbage.

I love mental midgets like you who get mad in situations like this.

Attached: 1566683690613.jpg (3840x2160, 992.34K)

PM'd you the fix :)

swap out your CPU retard

get a better CPU retard.

works on my machine

>My CPU and GPU from 2012 can't run an emulator so it's shit
You're a retard, OP

Attached: aWEe4Y2_460s.jpg (460x570, 52.09K)

CPUs barely matter for games, fucking tards. You can comfortably run any recent game with 2500k.

>>runs at 25-28fps with constant horrible stuttering making it unplayable

Isn't that how the game played on the PS3 anyway?

Attached: GcbFVdiV.jpg (400x400, 28.09K)

Couldn't find a DeS ROM with seeds.

Red Dead ran like shit on RPCS3 though.

Pro tip: Yas Forums is filled with literal NEET autists living off of the government dole. They afforded a PC 5 years ago when they had a job at McDonald’s and now just convince themselves emulation is perfect because they can’t afford both a PlayStation and a months supply of tendies off of their Autismbux alone. Case in point: retards on this website were praising link related as “nearly flawless emulation” a month ago: youtu.be/_ekgcH0UxLw

Attached: DAC5083A-D61A-4D58-9E36-AE8F95712D2F.jpg (900x786, 113.54K)

Holy shit, OP's a legit retard.

Attached: 1587364233903.jpg (549x549, 206.49K)

You're not just playing a game, you're emulating an entire other computer system that is the PS3. Do you know what emulate means? if you were just playing the game alone you wouldn't need the emulator.

>this is my first time emulating something and I INSIST on being a retard!

I-is that cat okay?!

Attached: 1586474820235.jpg (1080x586, 25.32K)

>My CPU and GPU from 2012 can't run a game from 2009
>this is my fault and not the piece of shit emulator
go fuck yourself


been playing xillia 2 and graces f now, gud games, solid 60 frames, im pretty happy on how RPCS3 is turning out

For emulators CPU is the most critical part, smartass.

It's experiencing unparalleled revulsion

Attached: D6w6DnlWwAAowIS.png (425x706, 261.77K)

There is no emulator “meme”, most of these 3rd party pieces of software are expressly developed for experimental purposes only, regardless of how they’re used by the wider community. To improve performance you likely need a better CPU or more RAM.

A video by MVG explains the fundamentals of emulation pretty well:

based retard

anyway, the ps3 ran it at those settings too, what's the problem??

Attached: Souls of the lost.webm (604x340, 2.82M)

Emulator cucks will slurp down any turd that comes their way.
Expect a million issues in every game you try

congratulations on being a retarded moron

nice bait

>destroying boxes/barrels/etc. drops fps to 2
you¨re literally getting the authenthic experience that Miyazaki intended.

Actual non-meme answer, you're trying to emulate the CELL processor and the PS3 GPU with your shitty 2500k.

OP gone real quiet after being outed as a tard

>runs at 25-28fps with constant horrible stuttering making it unplayable
>destroying boxes/barrels/etc. drops fps to 2

Sounds like Bloodborne on PS4

Your pc sucks
I run it 1440p 60 and my computer is 7 years old


so it's a 1:1 emulation? nice we are already there

thats very impressive for a game that just recently came out