>Try out highly praised mainstream game
>It's shit
What's her name?
>Try out highly praised mainstream game
>It's shit
What's her name?
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Nier Automata
Not entirely mainstream but Breath of Fire 3 and 4 seemed highly regarded in JRPGs and I couldn't stand BoF3 and BoF4 didn't impress with the time I gave it. I kept hoping BoF3 would get better, but I just quit when you train the nerd sailor to fight the chad.
REAL mainstream, probably Mario Odyssey.
FFR7, I'm glad that I was able to refund it.
You should have known it was gonna be shit.
Botw, Asscred franchise, ME, Fallout franchise, 3D World, Kingdom Hearts franchise
I enjoy DOZA stuff, the NTR with the wife was pretty top notch as well as the boy rapes boy
GTA, all of them after san andreas, it is like I am playing a game that was designed from the ground up to be filled with reddit moments, the sort of jokes and stories you would expect people to post on reddit for uptoots.
How do people sitll play this franchise, everything about it is garbage, it is filled with dumb design, lots of it just small details that all add up to make a gigantic mess.
All of the AA guns are in pits giving you blindspots galore, you also cause the icon to disappear of the map, so you broadcast to EVERYONE in the game that the gun is manned. You are a sitting duck and you are never killing anything.
One bunker can be destroyed, the next can't, no way to know unless you know.
It takes all the useable items of two AT players to destroy a single tank, actively trying to kill tanks is pointless, you just shoot at them and move on hoping some teammate finishes it off.
On the fly (literally) repairing of vehicles, not only is the downtime of vehicles close to 0 because of this (no need to go to base to repair) but it made repairing largely superfluous.
I could go on for pretty much ever, because I sincerely believe there is not a single design choice in this game that is good, they range from questionable at best too fury inducing game breaking bullshit at worst.
Truly the worst game, the only game I have ever played that has genuinely made me so annoyed I needed to leave the house and go for a walk. All the memes about soulsborne rage is absolutely NOTHING compared to the anger you feel at being jew'd by greedy and lazy fucks.
sauce? image search gives nothing
user, it is clearly the same girl as in OP, and that image does return results. Stop being a lazy nigger, you are better than that.
It doesn't.
RDR2, yes, it looks pretty, but as a game it really isn't much better than the facebook farm games.
Set up camp, do camp chores, do quests all of which have rockstar "humour" at some point, move camp, have no say in actual camp activity despite being the de facto shot caller.
I mean, you make an open world game, but the open world ends the moment I start to actually play the game. And when I go off to enjoy the open world, the game kinda ends, since it isn't much more than strolling around walking into a finite number of random encounters unless you follow the story/questline. Play for an hour and you will have come across all the various types of random encounter the game has to offer.
Well, I guess I am staring at the actual source due to divine intervention then, not me just clicking the right 3 buttons.
read the thread, someone posted the artist/group name
ok boomer
Found it, thanks.
I felt like being nice today.
Zelda BOTW and original Nier
The original Nier is niche. Came out in 2010 and didn't even sell 1 million copies. Automata is mainstream.
Doom: Eternal, definitely
I didn't see the mainstream part sorry.
do you like any jrpgs
artist Dozamura
Waisetsu Clinic
Thx m8
You niggers are becoming worse than feetfags
based japan gettin in on that bbc ntr
>tolerating homosexuals
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