Not a single good MMO

>not a single good MMO
what went so fucking wrong Yas Forumsros?

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>this thread again
how many times has it been

It's not gonna stop until MMO's are fixed.

just watch asmongold it's more fun than playing mmo games yourself

>not a single cute anime girl on my cock

Have sex.

I saw asmon is back now, 40k viewers, and people said his channel was dead.



It's lockdown bro
Show boipussy

>MMO with no loli race

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Don't force feed the cat please

mmos have to die before they can be fixed

>what went so fucking wrong Yas Forumsros?
It's too costly to make a game with good gameplay that'll last 100 hours, let alone 1000 hours with systems that make the world feel real, a giant fucking map, dungeons, raids, etc.

Sure wish reverse image searches actually pulled anything up on this. I'm curious if it's an anime

Must be a Princess Connect anime, i don't really follow anime release anymore but that's one of the character of that shitty gacha.

But we need her plump and thicc

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Make me

Ahh thanks

just play xiv

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kyoka is best pricunny

FFXIV is pretty decent though it's more of a MMO flavored final fantasy game

in the thumbnail this looks like kayuga is in a wheel chair.

MMOs are skinner boxes they’re not supposed to be good

>tfw no cute loyal elf girl who loves you despite you being a braindead retard


that's a cute anime, I want to rape it


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Xiv is slow and the only thing people say is good about it is the RP

Make a better one yourself retard. Or do something else than make a extremely unoriginal thread for attention.

Genre was pushed in a bad direction with WoW and never recovered since then. It requires a massive amount of cash to sustain so it needs to appeal to the lowest common denominator for a chance of success and sadly what they expect is something that plays like WoW/FFXIV.

Genre can't be saved, would have to have a random guy with infinite money, with an actual good idea making one and hopefully him/her being an anime fan so we can have a cute art style on top of it. This is pretty much impossible.

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