Will Esports ever be as popular as regular sports? Will people ever invite friends over to watch the Overwatch game?

Will Esports ever be as popular as regular sports? Will people ever invite friends over to watch the Overwatch game?

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No, because esports are 50 different games with complicated rule sets.
I watch dota since TI2, and yet have no idea what is happening when I watch the lol world finals.

meanwhile, real sports, ball goes from one side to another

esports is a faggy term with a faggy fanbase. I like to watch counter strike and fighting games because I like seeing high level gameplay and maybe I could even learn something from it. It shouldn't be treated as anything more than people tryharding at video games though and the people desperately shilling "esports" are pathetic. Esports are a joke.

No because there's no central objective for viewer to focus on. In all popular sports there's one ball to focus on and all players are trying to advance/stop it in some way. In vidya you have multiple objectives going on at the same time and all sprinkled with fancy particle effects so nobody can easily see what's going on.

Fighting games are pretty universally simple . Players hit each until life bar goes to 0

ye but do you see the problem.
Fighting games, plural.
You can't push 1 single game as THE esport

Fighting games are really not exciting to watch compared to fighting sports.

after the nascar incidents, normies and sponsors alike are even less likely to support it

the biggest problem I've seen with esports is the oversanitation of it all. A lot of talented players get dropped for political or non-game related reasons.
Like why should I give a fuck if a player said Nigger? If they're the best player, or at least up there, they should compete. But no, we get the best of the most pathetic and compliant 'pros' on the circuit.

modern boxing is a top contender for the most boring sport to watch


>soccer mom language
Kegel exercises aren't until noon Mrs. Lebowitz.

>Will Esports ever be as popular as regular sports?
It's already more popular among new generation. Get with the times, grandpa.

Another problem is that most of the players are charisma less gooks I couldn't give two shits about

Does anybody adult watch them? Seems to me like it's shit only teenagees have time to waste on and then grow out of.

your criticism about oversanitation is valid - however your example is shit.

these people go up on stage and are in a public position. if they can't conduct themselves professionally, then they don't deserve to be heard.

>Rule changed whenever new patch drop
Yeah no

>Will Esports ever be as popular as regular sports?
They're already objectively more popular, especially with the current climate
>Will people ever invite friends over to watch the Overwatch game?
Not overwatch, but that shit has been going on for 2 decades.

Doubt it. Nothing wrong with that though, less prying eyes of normalfags
I've had people over to my place to watch GSL and The International finals before

Attached: 562px-Evil_Geniuses_with_the_Aegis_at_The_International_2015.jpg (562x375, 40.4K)

Depends on the game. For example, many sport bars in Russia are streaming DoTA 2 during International.

I double literal boomers watch esports of course.

It always depends on the sport/game.

League of Legends finals already get more viewers than the Super Bowl.

Meant for

>charisma less gooks
You do realize that is because of the way these big companies approach esports right? They are not allowed to do or say anything, since literaly anything they do can get them either kicked off the team or fined and banned. For fucks sake someone once posted a goddamn pepe the frog with a birthday hat and he got fined for it by his org. How the fuck are players supposed to have charisma if they are this tightly bound by rules.

Bullshit, there is a huge difference between being proffesional, and being in SJW land where you are forced to sprint trough a goddamn fucking minefield. Yes, being a public figure and shouting out NIGGER on stage is retarded and should be punished. But not being allowed to talk shit ingame, or even better, not being allowed to post goddamn memes on your own twitter?

People like drama and rivalry. And you cant build up hype if everyone can only act like an emotionless robot, and can't even drop a GG EZ in chat.

To be fair in case of OW it's really hard to relate to players. They all Koreans for some reason. Very few know English. And their career is so fast, it's not even funny: some promising 17yo gets into OWL, 2 years later he "retires".

Meanwhile DOTA have a few 30+ players who were playing competitively for more than a decade at this point.

I think fighting games tournaments have a lot of potential
all the normies have played tekken or street fighter at least once and are impressed when they see big damage combos and shit, and it's easy to see what's even going on compared to counter strike or dota2, even if you don't actually understand what they really are doing

Any game where the action is not all on one screen is shit to spectate. Fighting games are probably the only one where you can know what you are looking at without knowledge as a player.

Just wait for the chinese boomer remover virus to do its thing, i see a huge surge of interest in streamable things and E related things like e-sports.

I don't think it will ever be quite the same. Big as? Maybe but an actual physical activity which doesn't go out of date in the same way. The overtness of sequels, balance updates, mechanical updates, visual updates, etc is more in your face than rule changes over time in a sport. Especially cause they are a product from a single company. Fifa could be blown up tomorrow and football would carry on. If Riot blew up tomorrow LoL is over and it is a scramble to see another moba rise up.

I doubt any games will be played for 100 years so becoming a national institution in the same way is hard.

Well you generally can. The genre tends to have 1 or 2 leading games at any given times, which tend to be older titles. SF and Mk already have a large enough cultural impact that the characters are recognisable. To a lesser extent Tekken does as well. If SFV hadn't been such a blunder it was in a very good place to becoming something so much bigger than current events are, that 5,000 entrants at EVO is still unmatched.

Maybe esports will get that big, however it's guaranteed that Overwatch will never reach those heights because it is incredibly shallow and devoid of skilled gameplay.

Yea, but in dota players are also allowed to shittalk, and you can follow them outside of the game. So those players/teams actually get lifelong fans.

There is no reason to keep some random xi hao around if the viewers don't even notice he is gone. And its not even that they "get old" and have to be replaced. Look at other fps, you still have players that have been in their games for decades. People like rapha are 30+ and still the best.

Also a lot of these games that try to become the next esport, don't strike a balance between casual vs comp scene. You can have the best balanced game for pro gamers, but if your game is not fun for the casual scene, you won't have people to watch your pros play.