This is what nuSE considers quality writing. Thoughts?
You the schmidiot that got lost in the desert? You farm those cactaur or no?
I guess games can be too long if players forget basic plot points after the first 3 hours
In the original they dropped sector 7 since Midgar was unsustainable, so blowing up their own reactor as part of propaganda fuel while also killing people and raising the price of electricity seems in-line for both the original and remake
In the original you had a clear progression of Avalanche scoring one against Shinra and then getting a blowback. Now it's just Shinra secretly being behind everything all the time. This is the kind of nonsense that slowly but surely erodes a story from within, like Umbrella always being behind everything all the time and always opting for the most evil move conceivable.
It's not just a matter of it being a move that Shinra would plausibly make all things considered, it's a matter of not flattening the plot and letting it have its rises and falls. Having Shinra be behind the explosion of the first reactor doesn't improve the plot in any way, it doesn't add intrigue or depth to any of the characters, it's just pointless faffing.
>doesn't add intrigue or depth to any of the characters, it's just pointless faffing.
yeah but this also perfectly describes the original plot. maybe they achieve it in different ways, but the end result is the same
I think what's stronger about the original plot is that it makes Avalanche more of a morally grey organization and makes you question the methods of some of the main characters. They're more realistically terrorists who you're siding with as the player; it puts you in an interesting dilemma. With the remake, it takes away some of that tension, making the story a bit more bland.
you made this thread yesterday
Ssssh, user, stop trying to hold products up to standards and apply literary logic to ideas. Most video gamers have trouble even understanding that there can be a disconnect between what characters say and what the camera and actions in the game imply.
>remakefags are LITERALLY defending the Final Fantasy equivalent of pic related
fuck off with your juvenile trolling, we're having an intelligent discussion here for a change.
Reeve was the only good guy in the whole game.
boiling down a plot to a linear regression, and actually REMAKING A PLOT INTO A LINE are completely different things.
>Stands by and lets things happen instead of forsaking his position of power to enact change.
Nah. Reeve's an autistic idiot.
Yeah but you can still be good if you're an autistic idiot
At best you can say he's emotionally innocent. Dude's got the mind of a kid.
Because that's too extreme.
everything in the remake is gentrified. Sector 7 slums are still fine even after the plate dropped on them, while in the original game that area becomes permanently inaccessble because they're all fuckin' dead
and then there's sephiroths "rampage" in Shinra HQ. Blood replaced with glowing purple goop and literally zero shinra employee corpses.
biggs and wedge survive because no one is allowed to die (and Jessie survived too don't worry)
>I think what's stronger about the original plot is that it makes Avalanche more of a morally grey organization
Utter and complete fanon.
I don't think that's what gentrified means, user, although I agree with your larger point
Yeah that's a very Shinra thing to do just to get the public on their side against Avalanche, while also raising taxes on repairs and additional security protection. Its a pointless change, but its something I can completely see happening.
Biggs and Wedge survive because they're a classic FF meme at this point. I can't argue for the rest of it, but that I can.
yeah cause its not like they've died before or anything
>Instead of nice bluured lines about how sometimes good people do evil shit and how sometimes evil people aren't as bad as you think we're back to good old blackwhite
zoomers hate ambiguity
speaking of blurred lines, how about the boobs on that lady? hubba hubba
After FFVII Biggs and Wedge stopped dying because FFVII skyrocketed their popularity. They haven't died in a single game since FFVII and at this point, its pretty obvious that they would survive just to continue being around and being a meme.
I'd let her slap me
Zoomers don't even know what that word means. You're right either way, they only see things as liberal/conservative or boomer/zoomer or whatever. Its such a mess of ideologies that has cycled back unto its self, we're just seeing the exact opposite side this time around.
haha le zoomer boogeyman
go get your diapey changed boomer
nah, emily ratajkowski
did you expect anything else?
>Sector 7 slums are still fine even after the plate dropped on them
This is the most inexcusable thing about the remake. Fuck time ghosts, undercutting that moment because "dude side quests lmao" is garbage.
Doesn’t Jessie say something about how the explosion shouldn’t have been that big in the original?
Also in the remake don’t they still think it was their fault even if we know it wasn’t?
>Shinra Employee
You are correct on both points, but Yas Forums has never played FFVII and just wants to bitch.
Zoomers can't take anything that isn't Disney-Chanel black-and-white.
oh thats another thing i love
>chadley outright admits he's a fucking shinra employee
>lets help him anyway
Only if you think there's nothing wrong with destroying people's lives for a greater cause. It's implicit that those reactors were staffed with people and that most of them were just everyday people trying to get by. AVALANCHE was always morally grey and all the blood on Barret's hands is an important part of his character.
>Having Shinra be behind the explosion of the first reactor doesn't improve the plot in any way, it doesn't add intrigue or depth to any of the characters, it's just pointless faffing.
The original plan, which we are not told, was to disable the reactor without harming anyone. This was successful and lessons the "our heroes are terrorists who are okay with murdering innocents." Shinra then blows up the reactor in a propaganda move, which furthers their goals of making neo midgar and turning the public against Avalanche and Wutai. The reactor exploding also has a deep affect on the team members, Jessie is racled with guilt which plays into her story, Barret sees the loss as a failure, but has to keep going, and raise the spirits of everyone else. This also builds up Shinra's evilness. They're willing to kill innocents, so dropping the plate seems more in line with what they are capable of and isnmore foreshadowed.
So, in the original our heroes were fine with murdering innocents, and just happily moved onto the next bombing mission, and in the new the entire group is given pause but oushes forward. The villians are worse, willing to kill any number of people for their goals, and kill more people to make their enemies look bad. Narratively it works out well.
While that's true, if this was inteded in the original too is unknown (it's literally a throw away line that can be interpreted in many ways).
On a side note, while Shinra blowing up one of their reactors does a little to no sense (aside from sparing energy/war propaganda), it's still partly - not interely- I the remake if reactor n. 1 blows up.
If Avalanche didn't try to do it, shirna wouldn't have to blow up the reactor
he's a fucking chad, they always get their way
Except shinra wanted an excuse to drop the plates didn’t they?
Nah, that's be more like if Greedo grabbed Han's gun and shot himself in the face.