Thoughts? Did you like it?

Thoughts? Did you like it?

Attached: tyranny-commander-edition-cover.jpg (823x1180, 968.12K)

Nobody did

I did

could have stood up with a game like Planescape if Obsidian didn't steal funds from the game to pay for Pillars of Shiternity, and if Avellone was more involved

Yes, it was good.

avellone isn't good at making a focused story AND creating his own game world though. he's better at piggybacking off of the back of other existing worlds and injecting his own creative spin on it

more like.......................... tranny..............

It was ok.

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I loved the setting and theme but hated the execution. By the end the game feels like the prequel to something bigger that we'll never get.

I liked it more than Pillars. It ended as it was getting good, though, and there was nothing particularly evil about it.
Tunon was the best part of the game.

I highly doubt Tyranny had maids.

Yeah but I did something in the wrong order so I couldn’t kill the giant guy and feel like I got robbed out of killing all the fuckers or whatever

Just downloaded it. What am i in for?


Big fan of that. how is the combat?

Lots of angry women leaders

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You can kill them right? Working my way through a list of RPGs i have either never played or have already beaten and am planning on running again sometime.
pic related

First run was fine but I never had the willpower to finish it. Second time I tried to be a complete dick but all my party hated the shit out of me and wouldn't talk to me about anything.

Yeah, actually, which makes it a million times better than Pillars of Eternity.

forgot pic

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nothing special, people seem to like the magic system but I never really saw the fuss
I set it to easy just so I didn't have to deal with it for so long

As with a lot of games of its nature, it fell apart in the last act and peaked in the first act

Magic crafting was fun.
Bleden and Tunon were good characters.
Edicts having gameplay and plot effects in the world map is a good idea.
Extended CYOA prologue to set up standing/reputation was good.
Setting had potential.
Fights, plot, almost every other character, quests etc ranged from bad execution and inconsistency to trash.

I did.
You KYS.


I still like it.

was allright, I liked it

It was very promising and I liked it overall, but it's the most disappointing crpg of the decade. They needed simply pump more money into the game and it would have been modern classic.

I liked it but its literally half a game.