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yeah no one gives a fuck about death stranding anymore dude
You can keep that trash. Oh wait, you can’t lol
thanks for beta testing you pieces of shit hahahahah
But it came out last month?
There's someone, somewhere, who unironically wants to play this game and care about this news
DAMN dude
I was contemplating getting it but I watched so much of the gameplay already and the magic of it first releasing wouldn't be the same so I probably wont
Yeah this game fucking stinks, totally not gonna buy it lol. Could you post some screenshots so I can laugh at it? Maybe get a nice thread going lol?
Now this is, and I dont use that word lightly, based
Its still coming to PC though, sony fanboys will still be mad and I'll still torrent it because I ain't giving any money to a game Sony has touched.
Good news, this abomination of a game shouldn't exist in the first place.
But there was no launch date given.
Why not?
It makes the MGS autists in Yas Forums seethe with anger since it reminds them that even Kojima has moved on from MGS and there won't be any more of those garbage games.
Why did ps4 players suddenly hate death stranding?
Because it’s a multiplat
I wonder if the persistent world is going to copy across to the PC version and we'll get the version full of highways and ziplines
seemed like when dunkey made that one video there was a split and it couldn't be disliked lightly
This thread is a perfect example of rent-free
>Temporary closure
naw I don't think it's going to be temporary
Because a PC port was announced.
Propably not, but even if it did the multiplayer is designed pretty smart. You have to traverse the areas first and connect them to the network, you need to get your bridge link up and progress through the game. Zipline networks wont show whole, only one zipline from other players network shows in your game. Most of the roads have to be built by the player himself etc. So for a new player it will always be a fresh experience.
your mother got too cocky when she gave birth to a nigger mutt like you
cope sonygger
Still looking forward to playing it
why does the game look like poopoo?
Fuck Kojima and Fuck these boring pseudo-games!
People with more than 2 working brain cells never gave a fuck to begin with
who's living there now? Trannies? Jews? Aliens? big fat delicious asses?
go take your schizo pills, incel
damn, why did you get me excited
Why Yas Forums is such pile of miserable retard contrarians that hate video games?
Desu Stranding is the perfect target to shit on right now because its different, its gonna clear up once something else like Cyberpunk 2077 comes out
Sony fanboys and Sony posters in general is why. They ruined this board with their constant shilling. They're the ones who go into every PC, Xbox or Nintendo thread to shit it up with their fanboyism. You'll find it's the same across most of the internet. I'm actually surprised xbros have the guts to post here because it must get depressing every time you want to have a nice thread about some xbox game you like only for it to devolve into a bunch of sony fanboys telling you why you should hate yourself because you enjoy an xbox game.