>...and this is our son's room. He loves japanese video games!
...and this is our son's room. He loves japanese video games!
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thats a chad jawline right there
What's with all the Chinese cartoons?
Why do they always have so many collectibles and shit? Games and consoles, sure. The occassional poster, but all that?
That battle station looks like it has had way more care and thought put into it than half of Yas Forums's coke-can riddled piece of shit battle station
Never understood the appeal of those kinds of character designs. They all look identical, both in facial structure and expressions.
don't think just coom
who dat?
Ironic considering you’re using a Nichijou image
I'm glad I've never been someone who buys shit like posters or figures.
All anime is guilty of it to an extent, I suppose.
Why do people buy anime figures and shit?
You could save that money and actually take a trip to Japan.
>take a trip to Japan.
I did that.
I bought anime figures.
I could have done that at home.
They can be liked for what characters they are, not what they look like, but then again, I might be wrong, I don't know how these people work.
Because they want to support/ show support for the thing they like
If they went to Japan the nationalists would pelt them with small stones and smack the bottoms of their feet with canes. They would simultaneously shout "GO HOME, WHITE PIGGU"! Roughly translated; "Go home, white pig".
I don't even watch anime but every nichijou picture I see is super recognizable compared to how they animate and color most other things in the industry so idk
When did we allow normalfags on Yas Forums?
Why go to Japan when I can't speak a lick of Japanese?
As a minimalist I will never understand hoarder fags. It's not even nice to look at, the room look like that of a child.
Yeah you just go on Yas Forums and likely lie about your hobbies irl
the permavirgin cave
Nichijou is very visually distinct though.
>He doesn't know what it's like to have the money to buy the things you want and not give a shit what other people think
H-haha what a fag.
t. someone with a cabinet full of gundam models
This is so fucking pathetic
There is a difference between having money to buy stuff and wasting it on dumb shit
Typical Yas Forumsermin
just that is enough
So what's the story behind that?
You DO paint them right? If no I will laugh at you