Xenoblade Metacritic scores

>Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
>Xenoblade Chronicles X (WiiU)
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna the Golden Country

What are some other series that dropped in quality with every release?

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sage for outrage culture le angry man bullshit. you should be ashamed

Pretty much and series that went beyond 3 games.


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choke on a thousand dicks and die

How the fuck was torna at 80? It refined so much of 2 and was a far superior game.

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It run worse and was 30% filler despite being a 15 hr game

>Xenoblade 1 has a strong beginning but a weak ending
>Polls better with critics
>Xenoblade 2 has a weak beginning but a strong ending
>Polls worse with critics

Really fires the neurons.

The one I don't get, is X. X is my favorite of the three but even I'll admit the game is an obtuse government work simulator dipped in Xeno colors. I would have thought a game like this would be cancer for critics.

Game """"journalism"""" devolved into speedruning games to shit out reviews as fast as possible after XC1 released.
Not saying that 2 didnt deserve that score, but X is heavily underated, and guess what, it wasn't a game for trash journalists.

Also Torna has worse combat. I really dont like what they did with usable swords and the easy orbs


>Xenoblade 1
>weak ending

X story is a let down

>torna's story unfortunately turned out to be a huge let down

pearls before swine

The second half is fucking trash, don't kid anyone. All the villains are just inferior one note versions of other xeno villains, and shit constantly comes out of left field. Zanza has THREE scenes. THREE.
His motivation is that he was lonely ?
The worst part is they really could have shown that and made that interesting, they could have expanded on him and showed that he gave shit to his people but they weren't grateful so he turned. Instead we just get one line about how he was lonely and then we see him acting like a chuuni. And don't get me started on Dickson, he's saturday morning cartoon level. Compare that to any other xeno game. Even Malos has valid points, and even if he seems just like a psychopath you can still explain it through Amalthus and what happened to him.

Xenoblade - 80
Xenoblade X - 85
Xenoblade 2 - 95
Torna - 90

Xenoblade 1 is full of twist and the story remain interesting the end even in your "ending" with all the devellopement aroudn Shulk & others characters. Saying XC1 ending is weak is LOL

Nigga it's half the twists from Xenogears only they come out of nowhere and are barely given any thought, it's 5 mins per twist then on to the next one. It's more cringeworthy than any anime boob in 2.

>Metacritic 2012
>Metacritic 2018
You should be able to work this one out

It's true, it's why XCDE is coming out with Future Connected, right? Only Shulk and Fiora's story got a proper ending, back to xeddit with you.

dont spend it all in one place

it doesnt run worse though

Dead or Alive Xtreme

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Xenoblade 2 is my favorite game of all time. Scores don't influence my opinion.

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Scarlet is a bunch of bad minigames. All the swimsuits are locked behind grinding the casino for hours or buying them via DLC. Venus Vacation is unironically a better game.

>Xenoblade 2 - 95
Damn nigga, that's a good joke

>caring about scores
Just make a regular XC thread so we can all talk about DE instead.

Sorry, all Xenoblade threads have to be flamewars and coombait now.

Yes it does. There's so much going on in battles that it often turns into a low-res, 20fps light show.

Clearly we didn't see the same ending