Games where armor actually work?
Games where armor actually work?
>that posture
What the fuck is he doing?
If armor worked like that in vidya, how the fuck would you kill enemies?
locking joints to make the huge amount of force required safer and more controlled
Overheat them
precision; chinks in armor
>the virgin archer
>the chad ranger
drawing a 160lb war bow
that's how you shoot it, OP
Aim for the weak spots, throat, armpits...
Blunt force
Most likely using the wrong bow (a piss weak draw weight) and/or the wrong arrows.
They did have arrows made to pierce armour but in all honesty if you aim for the joints or gaps in the armour it will do just as well
Don't use a fucking bow against a knight in full plate
So you're still fucked with just chainmail?
Very slowly.
There's no arrow able to go through steel lmao
And aiming at the joints or gaps in a fight is about as realistic as a noscope 360 with a sniper rifle
So, why do we compare modern metal to metal of old.
Purity and forging techniques are different nowadays and produce tougher metals compared to the past.
Weak spots, which could be approximated as critical attacks.
Steel is steel you retard. Yes it can be better or worse but it's still steel and no arrow is going to pierce it.
>any games with shit balance?
by using pickaxe
>having to counter your enemies is shit balance
Jesus dude. Use blunt force against plate, how is that so hard? You'd be the retard shooting at it with a bow and crying to the devs when a proper counter to that armor exists.
you're telling me chainmail doesnt block piercing damage !!!!111!! 1 1!!! !
oh onononoooonoo
chaimailbros what do we do ?
>90% chance of arrow doing no damage
>10% chance of arrow giving you the long nap
No thanks
Throwing bigger guys at him
Sending a woman to sleep with him and stab him in the back
Sending a cute girl (male) to sleep with him and stab him in the back
So are we now pretending to like color coded enemies?
nigga you don't have the strength to pull that bow even halfway
armor in baldur's gate games only lowers your chance of getting hit
i guess that's more grounded in reality than just taking less damage?
This underlines how hilarious it is that modern feminism has claimed the bow as the default woman's weapon of choice (Katniss Everdeen, Laura Croft, Merida in Brave, Ygritte from GoT, the list goes on and on and on) when fact is that very few women, an absolutely vanishingly small amount of them, would have the upper body strength needed to use a bow for combat.
I don't know where women get the idea that the bow is a fun and easy weapon "made for them", but the amount of effort and power it takes to draw a proper bowstring just does not synch up with what they physically have to offer. I wonder if this disconnect between girl power propaganda and reality ever phases them, especially if they try to get into archery and find they can only handle minimum-strength compound bows which does all the work for them.
The problem with chainmail is that unless you know which kind of chainmail it was, it's useless as a test. Modern day chainmail used by larpers is butted, it's a mockery of real military chainmail. It's barely stronger than a girl's necklace.
I mean yeah, chainmail's there to stop slashing, won't help against arrows.
Kingdom Come Deliverance has a neat armor system, swords don't do shit against full plate, you need an axe or mace to get through.
Ther were arrows that could, especially when you consider that metal forging was shit back then
In regards to aiming for joints i shoulda clarified it in that your aim as an archer as well as the rest was to hope for the arrows you shot to pierce those spots
crossbows and missile launchers
hey cool it with the racism
Look at this armchair legolas over here.
No you illiterate faggots. Pic(k) related. Both sides actually work too - sharp one penetrates and blunt side will deform the plate so the person either get ribs broken or can't breathe.
This too, archers were historically one of the more buffed parts of the armies.
fuck off armchair cuck
All in those back muscles mainly lad
chainmail does diddly dick against thrusting, could probably get through it with a pointy stick
>chaimailbros what do we do ?
Wear plate as well, you fucking moron.
>Ther were arrows that could, especially when you consider that metal forging was shit back then
No, there weren't lmao you have no idea what you're talking about and worse still you have zero common sense
There's no single source of an arrow piercing through plate, and that's a feat on its own considering in the middle ages they exaggerated their claims a lot
Arrows can't pierce steel plate. At most they can pierce chainmail, and not even very reliably.
A war hammer is a death sentence. They usually would push the armor into the body while breaking bones. Armors hard enough to get off now imagine its concave'd into your chest.
That's against diverse knives of peace used by Tusken raiders.
forget women, what about prissy ass elves? elves are practically synonymous with bows and they're a bunch of tree hugging hippy twinks sitting around on their asses all day talking about how superior they are. now dwarves can handle a fucking bow.
>chinks in armor
How many of the little yellow bastards would you need exactly?
>chainmail doesn't help against arrows
nice meme
>medieval fantasy game
>''leather armor'' is a thing
>not a single gambeson to be found
>You can only kill people with one method
Peak brainlet
Elves assuming they're as strong as an average human male, are excellent archers because they are generally depicted as having very long limbs. Longer limbs = huge draw power, if their muscles can support it, which arguably depends on the setting. Warcraft elves for example not only have long limbs but are also buff as fuck despite being wood hippies
Just bonk fuckers in the head. Not so hard.
Dude the same guys tested a windlass crossbow which has like 1250 lbs draw weight (longbow had 180 max, modern crossbows 250 max) at unrealistically close range and it bounced most times and the times it penetrated it did so in a harmless manner
You can drop any big game including elephants with a xbow you pick at walmart, steel and sloping are no joke there is a reason people paid fortunes to have as full set of armor
The most difficult question is at what range did archers generally loose their arrows at their opponents?
>Crossguard punch in the face
>enemy gets genuine fucked
I got the game yesterday and I found this pretty fun
Based dad humour.
why the fuck are they firing a gun indoors instead of going to a range?
Yup. This guy gets it
Beginning of the end of the heavily armored knights started with the Hussite wars. What Hussites mostly used? Early guns and blunt weapons.
Good luck "aiming at a weak points" of a moving, since childhood highly trained motherfucker. It is possible? Yeah. It is even remotely the most viable option? Fuck no.
>Longer limbs = huge draw power
That isn't how muscles work at all you fucking retard.
>Ignoring every method offered except one conviniently because your hard-on for picks is that large
Sad and pathetic
Wrong. That comes down entirely to the spacing of the rings and the power of the thrust. Mail isn't likely to stop an arrow at full force, but it will stop the stab of a knife or a sword, provided the blade isn't a poignard. Fact is, they had to invent new types of weaponry just to get through mail in close combat, because normal knives and swords didn't work.
One of the reason mail fell out of use, apart from the introduction of gunpowder, is that the rapier became more widespread. When you're fighting with long, sharp and thin swords that puncture organs, mail isn't any good. But against common medieval weapons, mail is absolutely fine and necessary for survival on a battlefield.
No, that's how bows work you imbecile. That's why I said if their muscles can support it.
Only other option provided by these mongs were guns and I even said that myself. Learn to read you pea-brained nigger.
If we're in a fantasy setting, magic can be used to defeat armored enemies (fire and electric spells come to mind)
Bows work based on draw strength, draw strength doesn't come from limb length.
Again, you're a fucking retard.
Normalfags and plebs who talk about things they don't understand really seem to underestimate the defensive power of armor. So much that some even thing arrows could pierce through steel
based /k/ommandos
Blatantly false
Fantasy is gay and irrelevant
What kind of context would involve a rapier (civil weapon) and chainmail (military armour)?
Usually elves have this one with nature theme going on. Bows are made of wood, so they're basically like the weapon from the woods for people who live there. That's the reason why dwarves, as a somewhat mountain-aligned race, are usually associated with heavy armor and more complicated tools and shit.
Did you actually even read posts linked?
plate armor would be rare so enemies that do wear it actually give you a challenge
Elves are supposedly far stronger than their builds suggest, because they are an otherworldly magical and immortal race. However I think their use of primarily longbows in fiction is stupid, because that is not a bow type suited for most of the combat they would see.
They would primarily be using smaller composite bows which can be reliably brought into a forest without snagging on every branch or getting in the way while sneaking.
Blatantly false.
>(civil weapon)
Not at all.
And any altercation between someone armed with a rapier and someone clad in mail, to answer your question.
Waiting for your sources.
guns did shit to armor
>the shooters aimed first at the horses, depriving the cavalry of its main advantage. Many of the knights died as their horses were shot and they fell.
the problem of knights is that horse armor was rare
and see
Elves are usually depicted with bows shaped like composite bows, which are by design more less straining to use than longbows
That's why I said guns AND blunt weapons.
Rapiers aren't why mail fell out of use.
They have nearly nothing to do with eachother.
> metal forging was shit back then
Nigger castle forged armor was not by any means shit if anything the arrow tips that were handed to lowborns were shit and probably made in bulk in a village
I'd like to interject for a moment and remind everyone that "chainmail" is a silly misnomer far too prevalent when talking about medieval armour.
"Chain" is the English word for interlocking rings of metal. "Mail" from the French "Maille", is the French word for interlocking rings of metal. Both words mean the exact same thing, thus saying "chainmail" is the same as saying "chainchain" or "mailmail". You should remember to either refer to it as a "chain harness" or simply as "mail" (or maille), whichever you prefer. But saying "chainmail" is just childish.
You're thinking of smallswords, rapiers were plenty used on the battlefield.
But then, it's not like you can't make rapier-proof mail so it's a wash.
The point of rapiers is to make mail pointless.
Sick. It would still hurt a bit and the noise would be extremely disorienting, but it would save your life. real cool.