Dude, you are EVIL for playing videogames, lmao

>Dude, you are EVIL for playing videogames, lmao

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Sorry guys, OP here. Immediately after I hit the post button I realised how retarded my opinion is. I do apologise.
PS: I am a faggot, please rape my face and niggers tongue my anus


Unironically true

Yeah, I know right? People say this game is good, but they're wrong because it's something that lots of people say, right?

It wasn't talking about you, the player. It was talking about Walker you faggot. I swear americans don't have the ability to not think everything is about themselves.

Mediocre gameplay, fantastic story
Worth pirating

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any other games where a case of mistaken identity leads to a shitstorm?

MGS 2 and Death Stranding

OP's gender reveal

Like holy fuck, creator of YIIK is right about one thing players can't handle anything if the game slightest goes off the beaten track , and takes it as a personal attack.

>do you feel like a hero yet?
>also don't forget to press the reload button when you're low on ammo, walker

>dude if it fades in to white you're hallucinating lmao

I really liked this game but that was some really pretentious shit


Whether it was deliberate or not, I really think the mediocre gameplay works towards the facade of the game being another generic 3PS which contributes to the story's serious shock value.

>>also don't forget to press the reload button when you're low on ammo, walker
Yep, still talking to walker.

i like how you have to follow an extremely linear story and still be called "evil" for doing things which you aren't even offered a choice

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>Game forces you to do something to continue playing

>continue playing
Well, there's your problem.

the only time it succeeded, and really well at that, was when you have to get the people to back off after they hang lugo. you can actually shoot the air and they run away

That's the point

>Game is marketed for and targeted at Call of Duty/Battlefield players to tell them that war is bad and that modern shooters exploit and glorify war and violence and desensitize them from it
>They don't buy it
>The people who do buy it and understand the story didn't need to be told that message, and instead find flaws in the storytelling
>All it leads to is underwhelming sales and a few midwits on the internet arguing about the story

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>bro just stop playing the game you paid for

The message of the game is lost on me because the game forces your hand in the"decisions".

>NPCs can't differentiate a story from reality and think they're the ones being chastised for the actions of the character they're playing as

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The funny thing is, you could do a game like this well.
Make an RTS set in a war torn country where your enemies are many and your friends are few. You're in charge of the crumbling old government and have access to all kinds of war crime options.
At the 2/3rds point of the game the UN basically gets involved, lists the shit you did as they come in, shovel out what's left and try you in the Hague most likely for things that at the time seemed perfectly reasonable and necessary, which you chose to do when there were actually other, less efficient but more moral options.
After all you only had so many men on hand and sure those rebels were dug in with a bunch of hostages but the cool down on your barrel bombs special had just ended so hey, sucks to be them right?

If you want to lay judgement you have to give alternate options.

>bro just stop playing the game bro
what a dumb response. if the game wants to emphasize anti war messages and mindless shooters and especially having the balls to call you evil for playing a linear story, there should always be an alternative choice

>bro, white phosphorus is horrible
>5 min later: bomb these soldiers with white phosphorus bro
>bro you can't back out of the screen, you forgot those white dots suspiciously grouped together
>bad, BAD player! look what you've done!

>it's all in walker's head bro
>if you walk away from konrad's mind games, you get killed by walker's 'illusions" anyway

>and especially having the balls to call you evil for playing a linear story
Which line from which character says this?

The problem is you and not the game. Stop self-inserting into games with a fixed named protagonist. The game is not calling you evil, it is calling Walker evil

You do have a choice but none are usually good
The point of the game is that's how it is in war

op of and here, could not stress this enough

Every fucking time

The only time the game ever breaks the 4th wall is during loading screens

Years of threads getting mad about fucking LOADING SCREEN BLURBS
jesus christ


>"Well, fuck you then! I didn't come this far to surrender. "

??????????????????????? the entire game is telling you this

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>playing the game at all
what a loser lul

>the game itself and the developer have claimed that players should take responsibility for their actions and to stop shooting virtual people

ok but give me an example
just one line

They do imply that you should stop playing the game once you begin.

SSG Lugo: (pointing at Walker, and by extension, the player) This is your fault, goddammit!
LT Adams: Stop right there, Lugo.
SSG Lugo: He wouldn't listen!
LT Adams: We didn't have a choice!
SSG Lugo: He turned us into FUCKING KILLERS!

SSG Lugo: This is all your fault! YOURS!!!
SSG Lugo: (After Walker has gunned him down) The only villain here is you, Walker. There's only you.

sauce: en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Spec_Ops:_The_Line

Except the game addresses you personally and the devs said you could stop Walker from making things worse by shutting off the video game. It was much like Lisa the Painful in that regard. "Hard" choices and sad outcomes, except the game doesn't let you take a different option if you recognize that what you're about to do is bad, then chastises you for it. But at least Lisa was smart enough to make it clear it was all Brad's fault from start to finish.

The white phosphorous scene is literally a reference to/meant to criticize the white phosphorous scene in the first Modern Warfare where you shoot white dots from the sky. It's all done to criticize cawadoody, except the devs went one step further to shit on the player for doing it. Anyone who says "Hurr it's all Walker's fault he just wanted to be a hero" is deluding themselves, because the game is shitting on you for wanting to be a hero and buying a game about war.

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I forgot that time a character turned to the camera and said "Hey you player, you're a bad person for playing this game"

The only time the game even gets close is the loading screen blurbs


The game is about the mundanity of violence in video games, that killing hundreds of people is filler time between levels and not part of the story, not how you're a horrible person for doing so.

>(pointing at Walker, and by extension, the player)
>doesn't talk at Walker in the third person like a retard
Oh wow

>Except the game addresses you personally
Ok, but show me who says that

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the WP shells magically gaining quadruple AoE for the civilian trench just killed the scene

I know, you're LITERALLY just following orders and yet youre held accountable.

the loading screens berate you for things you did in the game retard
this is just ludonarrative dissonance, the game

>inb4 "no it doesn't count it's just loading screen"
It's part of the game, there's multiple other examples of this. You can't deny they weren't deliberately doing it. Also Not-Kurtz looks directly at the camera when talking at the end of the game.

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>gas in the open expands differently than gas in a longitudinally-confined space

Wrong, Walker is the one following orders and he is the one held accountable

It's ironic. People get offended off their ass when a game exploits their overinvestment in it by putting it into a context of a soldier who is overinvested in their mission.
Yeah, sure, you bought the game and you've gotta get your "money's worth" out of it. But so did Walker of his mission.

Ah, the Nuremberg defense. A true classic for the line to the hangman.

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"Remember, no Russian."

I've never played this game. Apparently that means I'm doing the right thing. I'll continue to do the right thing.