Nioh 2

is death the only way to get gains this high?

Attached: Fatal Impact.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

She's cute.

You can't see her face user


You could say that of anyone except bailey jay

>that spin

some death animations are funny as fuck

Hey user sama waifuchan kun! ^^

Thanks so frikkin epic much for the runs!

Spear Skellys are niggers

>smashed by a Gozuki
>200 damage
>poked by a skelly

What exactly are you doing?

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>he read it
-10 sanity

Don't, you'll be aflicted by frenzy if you stare at it for too long

Of course, that's why they use spears

What do you guys think of shuten doji?

Eh he's a pretty cool guy, drinks sake and doesn't afraid of anything

cute anime girl

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Shuten Doji who is a fucking disgrace
I don't know why he's in this game, he's supposedly to be a comic relief character, but whenever I see this guy trust me I'm not laughing, I'm cringing
He's got stupid moves like he throws up, you know, he spews on the ground, he's just a mess, I fucking hate him, I wish he was never in the game, but whatever

Yo my nagas, hold onto this for me

Attached: Yasakani Magatama.jpg (178x167, 7.65K)

Fucking slut

Hopefully the dlc will bring a fight of shuten and his gang versus you and yorimitsu and his gang

Do you want to co-op with me when I post the code and get it out of your system? I'd co-op with even you if you want to. I can't make a room right now since I'm going to walk my dog first and settle in, but after that look out for the code when I post in the thread and join me for some runs. We can do twilight's and then farm Golden Castle.
Breddy cool.
I think he's a bit too easy, but his fight is full of personality and the OST is awesome.
Hope for a rematch in the DLC with extra moves and harder fight overall

I accidentaly...

Don't you fucking dare

Okay I'll hold onto it for you,
I'll keep it safe right over her- oh... shit
user... I, fuck.
I accidentally the Yasakani Magatama

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The most bitter ones here are the ones who do not have online, do not bother

Shuten Doji is the only fight that actually becomes harder in co-op. It's wild.

Is there a list of all the Twilight missions somewhere? Nowhere online seems to want to list them.

What, all 4 of them?

Off the top of the domepiece:
Kamaitachi Forest
Square Temple (the same one in Dawn of Hope and Missing Gun)
That super small forest temple map (Same one as in Dark Omens)
Azai's shit castle
Shuten Dōji's funhouse
and Enenra's burning bazaar.

Oh, and the Island of Demons where you fight Tatarimokke at the end. Think that's it.

is there anything in the game that you can't respec/reroll and are permanently stuck with?