Look Gordon, ropes! 41% of transexuals can use those to hang themselves!

Look Gordon, ropes! 41% of transexuals can use those to hang themselves!

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How could you self report your own suicide though?

You submit the appropriate form.

based and redpilled

>thoughts or attempts


>Men are more likely to complete suicide in normal society
>Transwomen (aka men) are also more likely to complete suicide, because they're still just men underneath the surgery


you think men having 4 times the suicide rate of women is normal?

of course, it's only normal when all w*men live life on recruit difficulty

>41% doesn't work anymore
>immediately moves goal posts

post yfw you're being cacoon'd

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>CONCLUSIONS: However, the suicide risk in transgender people is higher than in the general population and seems to occur during every stage of transitioning.


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Of course. Women can’t do anything right, even killing themselves.

>tfw you still get labelled as a men even after yout transition

imagine being you

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So which rights do trannies not have that eveyone else does?

its closer to 3 times in the americas but that is what the WHO numbers say

The right to not be actively/passively discriminated against by a large portion of the population.

That's not a right you commie retard

Because the self-reported ones are thoughts or attempts. Basically those millions of daily claims of 'I'M SO UPSET I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF THIS IS YOUR FAULT SHITLORDS'

That's not a right.

>Doesn't know that transmen are women transitioning to being males
imagine being a retard

if anything, that's an expression of others' actual NATURAL RIGHT to free association.

You can't transition from your biological sex. Fact.

It's the other way around. Transmen means it's actually a woman

Most of it comes down to being able to change their passports/documents gender and names.

There's more to it all than just biological sex, but sure, that's true.

>by a large portion of the population.

Huh? I thought I heard from you trannies that the general public is accepting you freaks and only us incels that are a small minority is discriminating against you.

So which is which now? Or do you shift to victim mode every time when you find it convenient?

inb4 cherrypicking the soft ones

That's not a right bro, Free Association

Keep in mind that it's easier to pass as a male when you're a female than likewise, so it probably doesn't help.
That, and society generally is more favourable towards females turning males versus males turning females, as seen here.

Ima ruin this for you, the Voice of Dr. Coomer is trans

that's the point

Jesus died for this

>Jesus died for the sake of humanity, including those who are unfortunate and have mental illnesses
Seems right to me desu

Rights are a spook.
They literally are just an ideological construct.
There's so such thing as a "right" in the real world. In the 21st century they are just a rhetorical instrument.
This thread is a perfect example of that, rights are just whatever the speaker wants them to be to suit their position.

*shoots u*

Ironic that you cope seethe dilate so hard because the only plays that will accept you is Yas Forums so you have let out that aggression to another group to make yourself feel better. Like a child repeating the abuse that their parents did.
But I guess when you live in a third country shithole it's acceptable to make other people feel miserable on principle over superficial traits that don't affect you, like melanin-rich skin.

>you trannies
Do you just pick out the arguments when it's most convenient for you?

try to stay on topic dickless joe.

give that right to racial minorities first then we can start talking about giving mentally ill trannies something similar like that

>That's not a right
Dilate tranny dilate

>no u dilate
no argument then
and the right to not be discriminated is definitely a right, just not in your third-world shithole.


No, it was a hook with no bait designed to make the offended party reply to it so it exposes their identity behind the screen because the bait/insult tackled their interest.

tl;dr dilate and die

I'll take the bait, why not. Businesses aren't going to kick you out, you can hold whatever government position that all the evil straight men can and you have the freedom of expression.
Wanting people to not think you're disgusting freaks is thought policing and not something that can even be enforced. Now go on and make the 41% into 42%.

>because the only plays that will accept you is Yas Forums

This implies that Yas Forums looks down upon trannies as the user was only shitting on trannies because he wanted to be accepted here.

So logically trannies are not tolerated on this site in the first place.

>No, it was a hook with no bait designed to make the offended party reply to it so it exposes their identity behind the screen because the bait/insult tackled their interest.
That makes no sense whatsoever, are you that much of a normie fuck that you can't disassociate your arguments from yourself? For all you know I could be playing the devil's advocate here, or maybe there are just basic human principles at play.
>tl;dr dilate and die
hearing people telling you to kys constantly for no reason is how you have a daily school shooting

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>Still trying to push the 41% meme

fuck women and fuck minorities
only gamers will survive

>Businesses aren't going to kick you out,
Some will, disproportionally so.

>you can hold whatever government position that all the evil straight men can and you have the freedom of expression.
Technically can, realistically can't because plenty of people will actively work against you or not give you the same opportunities they would give someone else.

>Wanting people to not think you're disgusting freaks is thought policing and not something that can even be enforced.
The only disgusting freak here is the one wishing death upon someone else. Become a suicide statistic yourself.

bruh if you want (You)s you need to be less obvious

what the fuck is wrong with this board and trans mutants? fuck off with your trans propaganda you goddamn freaks

What's your argument here? But thanks for proving my point.

>he's seething so hard he has to modify his post replies

>or maybe there are just basic human principles at play.

Trannies are not humans and no right thinking person would defend them under any circumstances, the picture you posted only adds to your culpability as a disgusting axewound tranny.

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So the trans community isn't actually in any danger at all. I see.

please dude at least try cmon

>People are only in danger if a large percentage kills themselves
It isn't all that clear cut, sempai.

>Mentally ill people are not people

>he has to modify his post replies

I know you aren't from here but it's standard procedure to do such a thing if you don't want to give a (You) to someone you don't agree with whilst still replying to his post.

I don't even like trannies but you are such a tryhard faggot

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But everyone is discriminated against by a majority of some population
Mostly the chinese

>Trannies are not humans
Basic fact denial will get you nowhere.

>and no right thinking person would defend them under any circumstances
You haven't shown a single piece of evidence to show that you're a person thinking right and you wouldn't even know where to start on how to prove it.

>the picture you posted only adds to your culpability as a disgusting axewound tranny.
Glad to see that you're seething that hard about an image that is throwing salt on your asspain.