So let me get this straight: DSP is bankrupt and desperate for money...

So let me get this straight: DSP is bankrupt and desperate for money. So people convinced him as a joke to start wearing a vest as a backyard wrestler tier gimmick, people ironically started donating to him a lot more. Now he calls it his "streak vest" and its allowing him to pay his taxes for the first time in years.

So is it still an ironic joke or does it become a full gimmick? I know streamers are always desperate to get a term like "bro army" going or a pet on stream or something to generate parasocial relationship indoctrination in their paypigs but is this like parasocial stockholme syndrome.

Attached: DSPs autism vest.png (644x443, 160.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I dunno but he will always be more based than Yas Forums for actually playing games.

Purge all eceleb threads.

When the virus has wiped out everyone, Pigroach will still be streaming and collecting donations.

In the rubble of the aftertimes once the foreverwar with china is finally finished all that will be left is DSP and Wings fighting over attention from literal cockroaches they call "Viewers".

It’s a win/win. The vibe vest aids Phil both financially and mentally, and it the secures the future of kwality khantent for the internet.

Projection.... fricking wow why are you not playing something rn get outta here

weighted vests can be comfy, but i prefer a heavy blanket
t. autist

Why are people on this site so mad at streamers making money? Is it because they are jealous they do the same things but don't get paid?

Generations from now your burritokind will be folding space from Isk.

e-niggers =/= video games
when you fucking zoomers learn this???

Is the motherfucker going to pull through AGAIN?! He must have a billion angels watching over him, or he sucked up all the worlds luck.

This board is for discussion of video games and video game culture

Haha is that for real?

Attached: 57d08f521700000233c78495.jpg (960x1440, 283.51K)

DSP is the eternal rocky shore that the waves of time and e celeb disaster crash against as others crash without a trace. He will outlast us all.

what's the appeal of this guy? Do you simpletons self-reflect on him?

If he takes off the vest will he realize how much lighter he is and get better att vidya?

>*teleports behind you*
>"nuthin pahssanel *snort* a huahuahuahuahuahuahuahua"

I am playing something right now and just making posts in between rounds friend.

Attached: 1364092695101.gif (320x240, 1.09M)

DSP is becoming the Buddha of the internet

Rekt faggot i have one hand playing right now step your shit up

Congratulations to you user

Don’t reply to me ever again poser

He's half a million US dollars in debt. He's fucked.


>detractors thinking phil is actually screwed
He'll go on a payment plan and his whales will do big donations behind the scenes so he can keep up his ridiculous lifestyle.

Attached: 1587458484706m.jpg (1024x1024, 130.59K)

>*dsp gets on the phone conference for court hearing*
>”uhmmm... and the bottom line is.. I did everything correct, there was no conceivable way I could’ve known that. nobody told me??”
>all debt absolved

Attached: B276FE43-1E95-4B3C-9279-3446FB35F287.jpg (604x604, 58.43K)

>"Mister Burnell can you explain what "wwe mobile game network is?"
>"Mister Burnell?"
>"h-hello? Burnell? still there?"

I laughed so hard.

Not a detractor, just being realistic. You cannot get out of a half a million US dollars quickly on a net income of 50,000 very quickly. Approximately 10,000 in interest would accrue per year on that loan.

He'll be paying the loan off for about 30 years.

What's this from?

His bankruptcy hearing. Never in my life did I think I would listen to one, or find it so entertaining.

His entire on the phone bankruptcy investigation call got recorded and put online. he said he spent 5 grand on videogames per month. He gets asked how when a 60 dollar videogame would mean buying 83 new releases every 30 days when there aren't that many retail releases for full price per year.

You can hear him sweat. Then some lolcow obsessives tracked down his WWE gacha account, found that accounts discord account, compared it using a text reader algorythmn to find a 98% match with phil and then later found phils discord was the same discord account number.


retards are drawn to retards


Attached: 5ED7E203-1551-4243-B325-DE3F4887719B.jpg (350x263, 17.31K)

Good thing everyone except me is retarded

Oh no, the banks are coming for him, one way or another. Doesn't matter, his life is miserable.

How can you not pay taxes for years?

He makes you feel good about being average at video games and he is sort of amusing in a pathetic way

I'm under the impression he honestly thought his income from streaming and advertising was not assessable.

Everyone loves a good lolcow

But why?

How could he have known it was?

>$50,000 on a fucking WWE gacha game