Name myself "JesusLovesYou" or "ChristianG4m3r" in online game

>Name myself "JesusLovesYou" or "ChristianG4m3r" in online game
>Set bind to "Jesus loves you" and "Christ be with you"
>Collect the salt from butthurt players

Attached: jJesus+the+Joker[1].jpg (302x372, 25K)

based. trannies btfo


>g-god doesnt exist!!! reddit told me so!!

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Wow, you mean to tell me fedoras are still butthurt about religious people or even people who just believe in God?

Blessed and lovepilled

most of the old die-hard fedorafags either grew into apathetic agnosticism or returned to Christianity. That doesn't account for the spastics that still sperg out about organized religion like it's still 2008

This thread seems very angry at atheists.
What about them upsets you so much?

Jesus isn't real
Mohammad was a pedophile

3/4 of them are redditors

>my god is real but the other 1000+ gods are all fake lol!

>i know you are but what am I?
the apex of atheist rationale

god isnt real, prove me wrong I dare you

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>Christianity is the same as the onga-bonga tribal fetishes of some unknown, backwards tribe who still shit themselves

To put it in Yas Forums terms, religion is a lot like console wars.

>OP's still baiting fedoras even now

>resorting to frogposting this early
lol buttmad

I'm atheist, sharing jesus's love is the best way to get idiots to seethe

How are they different?

>cant prove me wrong
lol guess god isnt real

That's literally what it is

Are all of our thoughts fake then?

You better be espousing True Christianity and not just some evangelical american larp

His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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One is more popular, and as we all know, popular=good.

So, when did you realise that god is just a colossal dick who punished the entirety of humanity for the crimes of two individuals and forced them to live meager existences in a shithole as a "test"?

Imagine creating a species with no capacity for love, and then expecting them to understand it.

This. It's literally the same with euro/american shitpost threads. I am european but pretending to be american is fun because europeans are fragile little bitches who constantly try to prove how aryan they are.

You don't realize how satanic people are until you try to spread Jesus' message on the internet. I think people feel in their gut that it's the truth, but are afraid to change themselves (because it is hard and scary) so they instead lash out in vulgarity or outrage to distract from how it really makes them feel.

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>lol guess god isnt real

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only jews hate jesus

cool american pretending to be european baiter

Jesus says "trans rights".

>can't prove God isn't real

>Desert tribe better than onga-bonga tribe

This. Being a based Christian and Based American makes Euros, liberals and atheists so fucking mad and it's easy too. I even pretend to be from the south.

that's not true goy

you cant even handle a light breeze, and i thought fat was supposed to be insulating here.

He's quite literally a jewish trick

jesus is a jew

>heyh bro I know christianity has spread all over the world and changed they way we think about the world and had a lasting effect on human culture but have you considered that it is the same as the religion of some nameless tribe in africa? huh?

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My God anally rapes your god everyday and night
Prove me wrong


>euromuslim banter

>my sandnigger fairy tale is more popular so its better!
Are you literally a child?